![]() |
Ron Whitehead |
Date: Fri, 13 Aug 2010 dangerous places to have sex in kentucky the black mink ballet down the stairs she comes her delicate lobes her black mink closes her dark eyes deep undiscovered pools and all i see is skin brown hot sun left corner of back row everything she touches my left leg she is inside her legs moving higher higher until i find she unbuttons the black mink as our lips into a laboratory room where a man each other's tongues down throats i lick her clean her eardrums as my right hand caresses her head neck shoulders spine squeezing behind i pause circling pressing the center as my her breasts nipples removing traces of salt pull her left breast deep into my mouth down all round gently stroking in out both her holes my hands caress my tongue moves to her she whispers in vibrating voice i want you in she undoes my pants pulls them down and me into her mouth but now my neck is about to making loud noise coins roll the long roll to the with my tongue in 69 yin yang ourobouric position into another place as she pulls pulls with her move my tongue quicker softer pulling her taking each into her mouth licks my ass taking the chair and as i walk my tongue mouth back singing a great dance song fills the theatre as we wilt at bass patti on guitar poemed chanting lightning ron whitehead revised friday august 13, 2010 copyright (c) 2003 & 2010 Ron Whitehead to
check out new Ron videos go to http://www.youtube.com/studio502sessions Ron
Whitehead, outlaw poet 502
475 7772 plus
facebook & facebook fan club Copies of the Ron's new book
(20th)/cd (30th)/dvd (1st), THE STORM GENERATION MANIFESTO and on parting,
the wilderness poems, are available at the author’s shows, and at
R E S S I N Q U I R I E S , P L E A S E C O N T A C T : S
t e p h a n i e B r o t h e r s 5 0 2 . 5 6 1 . 1 1 6 2 s
t e p h a n i e @t h e g r e e n b u i l d i n g . c o m if
you're interested in Ron Whitehead, and/or his new band, Outlaw Poet Ron
Whitehead & his Viking Hillbilly God's Open Nerve Storm Generation
Allstar Band, appearing/performing/reading/giving
talks/presentations at your
college/university/school/museum/festival/club, anywhere round the
world, contact Shawn Pierson, Studio 502, 502.230.1772, bookings@louisvillestudio502.com keep
Louisville (& the world & all intergalactic & interdimensional
space) Gonzo (& weird)!!!!!!!!! to
check out new Ron videos go to http://www.youtube.com/studio502sessions Ron
Whitehead, outlaw poet 502
475 7772 plus
facebook & facebook fan club Copies of the Ron's new book
(20th)/cd (30th)/dvd (1st), THE STORM GENERATION MANIFESTO and on parting,
the wilderness poems, are available at the author’s shows, and at
R E S S I N Q U I R I E S , P L E A S E C O N T A C T : S
t e p h a n i e B r o t h e r s 5 0 2 . 5 6 1 . 1 1 6 2 s
t e p h a n i e @t h e g r e e n b u i l d i n g . c o m if
you're interested in Ron Whitehead, and/or his new band, Outlaw Poet Ron
Whitehead & his Viking Hillbilly God's Open Nerve Storm Generation
Allstar Band, appearing/performing/reading/giving
talks/presentations at your college/university/school/museum/festival/club,
anywhere round the world, contact Shawn Pierson, Studio
502, 502.230.1772, bookings@louisvillestudio502.com keep
Louisville (& the world & all intergalactic & interdimensional
space) Gonzo (& weird)!!!!!!!!! |
Date: Sun,
15 Aug 2010
OFF THE RECORD w/Ron & WFPK DJ Marion Dries + all info on 2 release shows
check out new Ron videos go to http://www.youtube.com/studio502sessions Ron
Whitehead, outlaw poet & damn proud of it give
me honesty freedom & liberty or give me death!!!! 502
475 7772 plus
facebook & facebook fan club Copies of the Ron's new book (20th)/cd (30th)/dvd (1st), THE STORM
GENERATION MANIFESTO and on parting, the wilderness poems, are available
at the author’s shows, and at P R E S S I N Q U I R I E S , P L E A
S E C O N T A C T : S t e p h a n i e B r o t h e r s 5 0
2 . 5 6 1 . 1 1 6 2 s t e p h a n i e @t h e g r e e n b u
i l d i n g . c o m if
you're interested in Ron Whitehead, and/or his new band, Outlaw Poet Ron
Whitehead & his Viking Hillbilly God's Open Nerve Storm Generation
Allstar Band, appearing/performing/reading/giving
talks/presentations at your college/university/school/museum/festival/club,
anywhere round the world, contact Shawn Pierson, Studio
502, 502.230.1772, bookings@louisvillestudio502.com keep
Louisville (& the world & all intergalactic & interdimensional
space) Gonzo (& weird)!!!!!!!!! |
one of the last great truthtellers for paul
k, the godfather of rock if you
whoever you are come to the
rock n roll round table if you
whoever you are come with even
an ounce a glimmered trail of
lingerin whippin post fear loathing
well rock n roll now grown mannish
boy son of black delta and white
hillbilly blues hellyes they had a wildass
night in memphis and birthed an even
wilderassed baby they christened rock n
fuckin roll beethoven roll over and dig this
shit yes this mannish boy changed everything
for everybody even those weaklings like you
who resisted outta fear couldn't go go go
with the flow of rock n fuckin roll the real deal
the language of angels a gift to us humans
wailin moanin ecstatically joyfully here in
these human forms but always listenin listenin
with every atom of our beings listenin crankin
it up all the way till we blow our eardrums and the
windows all the way all the way breakin on
through to all the other sides well hellyes all you
status quo suburban fearfilled weaklings rock n
fuckin roll ain't no polite pc tea party parlour tricks
dog n pony phariseed phoneyass show no go go go
pull your pants down and let the lice out no oh
hellno don't cause i'm sure the fresh air would kill you
just fuckin go get your weak lame ass outta here
cause rock n roll be bout lettin go goin with the flow the
river's flow the flow of life of the universe of truth
rock n roll be holy dark light taoed paradoxed truth
bout lettin go all that is false all the lies the brainwashed
bullshit bout settin ourselves free to be our
dreams regardless of the fucking consequences give me
honesty freedom liberty & rock no roll or give me
death let it all hang out question everydamnthang truth
really is a pathless land find out for yourself what that
means don't follow anybody but the music the rock n
roll channeling from angel realms through your heart
crank it up all the way beyond listening to feeling to
breaking glass to vibrating walls cells beings to intergalactic
interdimensional travel music takes us there go
go go coast to coast ghost to ghost go go be like
paul k like me be one of the last truthtellers we all be
dirty potatoes floating in the same tub of water and
the more we bang into each other by openly
honestly sharing the poems stories events songs of
our lives the more we come clean the more we
respect and honor our beautiful differences while
simultaneously realizing recognizing that we have much
more in common than we have different music the
wildness the terribly beautiful crazy wisdom of music
reminds us of who we are the truth of our inner
most interconnected beings we are so much more than
our physical bodies so much more than the
physical world that's why we turn to music to rock n
roll no matter what emotional state we find ourselves
in from despair to ecstasy and everything in
between we always turn to music sweet song we sing
with angels we sing and remember as paul k
does in his poemed songs that the poet the
poemed singer songwriter must be enemy of the state
reminding forever reminding the greed powermongers
that be that power corrupts that we are
all in this together all one no servants no leaders
all one eye to eye shoulder to shoulder so keep
singing prophetic poemed anti-government love
songs rockin in the free world celebratin truthtellin
no matter the consequences get ready for the
bullet it's already on the way to dance in your
skull so forever have the fearless rock n roll courage
yes i'm talkin to you you young punk you ancient
young poet singin prophet always rantin n ravin
tellin it like it is keep on singin keep on rock n
rollin in the free world cause it never ends we always
gotta fight not only for the right to party we gotta
perpetually even after we're livin bein our dream we
gotta still every damn moment fight for the right
to be ourselves to be freebirds lonely tightrope
walkin wires of desperation in a doomed gloomed
land only salvation music rock n roll saves us from
ourselves from death in life and remember paul k
remember one of the last great truthtellers standing
there all alone on that hill determined to keep
singin whether anyone listens whether anyone
gets it whether anyone cares anymore there he
is standing alone lonely forlorn poet singer prophet
shaman crucibled fire breathin dragon truthteller
tellin it like it is regardless of anything regardless
of the bullet on the way from round the corner
soon plantin itself rollin round n round inside
his gone baby gone skull but for now fearless alone he
stands on the mountaintop so young ones remember
truthtellin wasn't born in a day it took lifetimed
years of pain sufferin drinkin druggin usually
with gun at temple or in mouth tween shots of
tequila and snorts of cocaine and everything else imaginable
to ease the pain of life of livin but somehow always
findin always findin a way determinedly refusin to bow
down never givin up always keepin on so now i see you
paul k one of the last truthtellers far away on that
mountain you've pulled yourself yet again outta the muddy
ditch wiped the pig shit from your eyes you reach down pick
up your guitar and slowly stand stand straight tall and
step step step back up onto the road slide into your
rusted turquoise '46 dodge pickup with the hole next to the
gearshift which you drop your cans and bottles through
as you head always headin cross one country or
another usually westward headin to the next gig into the
sunset sunset sunset you paul k one of the last truthtellers
tall lean sometimes mean meaner than any rattlesnake
sometimes killing them the rattlesnakes drinkin
their blood chasing always chasin it with shot of
lightnin or whatever other electric drink you can find
and there you are now in that old pullin hard to
the left turquoise '46 dodge pickup truck headed
west into the sunset one more time singin poems the
godfather of rock detroit new york city kentucky the
netherlands preachin singin like nobody preaches like
nobody sings dangerous lethal poems so my old outlaw
friend keep on keepin on rockin truthtellin in the fadin
fadin fadin dusky old nearly gone freeworld Ron
Whitehead, outlaw poet & damn proud of it give me
honesty freedom & liberty or give me death 8/18/10 aha copyright
(c) 2010 Ron Whitehead
check out new Ron videos go to http://www.youtube.com/studio502sessions Ron
Whitehead, outlaw poet & damn proud of it give
me honesty freedom & liberty or give me death!!!! 502
475 7772 plus
facebook & facebook fan club Copies of the Ron's new book (20th)/cd
(30th)/dvd (1st), THE STORM GENERATION MANIFESTO and on parting, the
wilderness poems, are available at the author’s shows, and at P R E S S I N Q U I R I E S
, P L E A S E C O N T A C T : S t e p h a n i e B r o t h
e r s 5 0 2 . 5 6 1 . 1 1 6 2 s t e p h a n i e @t h e g
r e e n b u i l d i n g . c o m if
you're interested in Ron Whitehead, and/or his new band, Outlaw Poet Ron
Whitehead & his Viking Hillbilly God's Open Nerve Storm Generation
Allstar Band, appearing/performing/reading/giving talks/presentations at
your college/university/school/museum/festival/club, anywhere round the
world, contact Shawn Pierson, Studio 502, 502.230.1772,
bookings@louisvillestudio502.com keep
Louisville (& the world & all intergalactic & interdimensional
space) Gonzo (& weird)!!!!!!!!! to
check out new Ron videos go to http://www.youtube.com/studio502sessions Ron
Whitehead, outlaw poet & damn proud of it give
me honesty freedom & liberty or give me death!!!! 502
475 7772 plus
facebook & facebook fan club Copies of the Ron's new book (20th)/cd
(30th)/dvd (1st), THE STORM GENERATION MANIFESTO and on parting, the
wilderness poems, are available at the author’s shows, and at P R E S S I N Q U I R I E S
, P L E A S E C O N T A C T : S t e p h a n i e B r o t h
e r s 5 0 2 . 5 6 1 . 1 1 6 2 s t e p h a n i e @t h e g
r e e n b u i l d i n g . c o m if
you're interested in Ron Whitehead, and/or his new band, Outlaw Poet Ron
Whitehead & his Viking Hillbilly God's Open Nerve Storm Generation
Allstar Band, appearing/performing/reading/giving talks/presentations at
your college/university/school/museum/festival/club, anywhere round the
world, contact Shawn Pierson, Studio 502, 502.230.1772,
bookings@louisvillestudio502.com keep
Louisville (& the world & all intergalactic & interdimensional
space) Gonzo (& weird)!!!!!!!!! to
check out new Ron videos go to http://www.youtube.com/studio502sessions Ron
Whitehead, outlaw poet & damn proud of it give
me honesty freedom & liberty or give me death!!!! 502
475 7772 plus
facebook & facebook fan club Copies of the Ron's new book (20th)/cd (30th)/dvd (1st), THE STORM
GENERATION MANIFESTO and on parting, the wilderness poems, are available
at the author’s shows, and at P R E S S I N Q U I R I E S , P L E A
S E C O N T A C T : S t e p h a n i e B r o t h e r s 5 0
2 . 5 6 1 . 1 1 6 2 s t e p h a n i e @t h e g r e e n b u
i l d i n g . c o m if
you're interested in Ron Whitehead, and/or his new band, Outlaw Poet Ron
Whitehead & his Viking Hillbilly God's Open Nerve Storm Generation
Allstar Band, appearing/performing/reading/giving
talks/presentations at your college/university/school/museum/festival/club,
anywhere round the world, contact Shawn Pierson, Studio
502, 502.230.1772, bookings@louisvillestudio502.com keep
Louisville (& the world & all intergalactic & interdimensional
space) Gonzo (& weird)!!!!!!!!! |
august 25th musical accompaniment by cynthia norton to
check out new Ron videos go to http://www.youtube.com/studio502sessions Ron
Whitehead, outlaw poet & damn proud of it give
me honesty freedom & liberty or give me death!!!! 502
475 7772 plus
facebook & facebook fan club Copies of the Ron's new book (20th)/cd (30th)/dvd (1st), THE STORM
GENERATION MANIFESTO and on parting, the wilderness poems, are available
at the author’s shows, and at P R E S S I N Q U I R I E S , P L E A
S E C O N T A C T : S t e p h a n i e B r o t h e r s 5 0
2 . 5 6 1 . 1 1 6 2 s t e p h a n i e @t h e g r e e n b u
i l d i n g . c o m if
you're interested in Ron Whitehead, and/or his new band, Outlaw Poet Ron
Whitehead & his Viking Hillbilly God's Open Nerve Storm Generation
Allstar Band, appearing/performing/reading/giving
talks/presentations at your
college/university/school/museum/festival/club, anywhere round the world, contact
Shawn Pierson, Studio 502, 502.230.1772,
bookings@louisvillestudio502.com keep
Louisville (& the world & all intergalactic & interdimensional
space) Gonzo (& weird)!!!!!!!!! to
check out new Ron videos go to http://www.youtube.com/studio502sessions Ron
Whitehead, outlaw poet & damn proud of it give
me honesty freedom & liberty or give me death!!!! 502
475 7772 plus
facebook & facebook fan club Copies of the Ron's new book (20th)/cd (30th)/dvd (1st), THE STORM
GENERATION MANIFESTO and on parting, the wilderness poems, are available
at the author’s shows, and at P R E S S I N Q U I R I E S , P L E A
S E C O N T A C T : S t e p h a n i e B r o t h e r s 5 0
2 . 5 6 1 . 1 1 6 2 s t e p h a n i e @t h e g r e e n b u
i l d i n g . c o m if
you're interested in Ron Whitehead, and/or his new band, Outlaw Poet Ron Whitehead
& his Viking Hillbilly God's Open Nerve Storm Generation Allstar
Band, appearing/performing/reading/giving talks/presentations at
your college/university/school/museum/festival/club, anywhere round the
world, contact Shawn Pierson, Studio 502, 502.230.1772,
bookings@louisvillestudio502.com keep
Louisville (& the world & all intergalactic & interdimensional
space) Gonzo (& weird)!!!!!!!!! |
Immediate Release: An
Evening of Tantric Burlesque Music Dance Art Photography Spoken Word celebrating
the release of Outlaw Poet Ron Whitehead's THE
STORM GENERATION MANIFESTO and on parting, the wilderness poems Ron's
20th book, 30th cd, 1st DVD, plus 4 new videos Friday,
August 27, 2010 422 W.
Oak Street Louisville,
Kentucky 502 636
1311 $10 cover 10pm-1:45am featuring
NYC Mets Poet Laureate Frank Messina, Tyrone Cotton, The Show-Me
Burlesque Troupe, Marion Dries, Justin Lewis, Dean McClain, Gnuma (middle
eastern groove band with Andy Cook percussion & didgeridoo & James
Vaughn cello & Ray Wegimont guitar), Russel Hulsey, Rebekah Trigg &
Angela Wood (& her snake), Rani Newman Whitehead, Scott Moore, &
Cynthia Norton with Ron Whitehead plus art
& photography by Russel Hulsey, Emil Walton, Scott Shuffitt, Frank
Messina, Howard Wilson, Cynthia Norton, Andy Cook, Jeremy Dixon, & more. film
& photography by Amanda Arnold & Scott Shuffitt Special
Thanks to Ken & Sheila & everybody at The Rudyard Kipling,
Louisville's Ryman Auditorium (only better). Special Thanks to Gill Scott
Holland for bringing out my new book/cd/dvd/videos. I'm deeply
honored humbled and appreciative of/by the beautifully produced
work which is unlike anything i've done before. Special Thanks to Gill &
Augusta & Holland Brown Books & everybody at The Green
Building & everyone involved in the production distribution &
sales of my newest work (& upcoming world tour) including Stephanie
Brothers (editor), Patrick Bourland (assistant editor), Amber, Stephen Kertis
& Kertis Creative Crew for DVD & 4 new videos, to Jeff Carpenter
& Al Fresco Studios for recording mixing mastering new CD, to Sarah
Elizabeth for layout & graphic design, to Pip Pullen for front & back
book cover & CD & DVD graphic art, to Lisa K Worley for photo of
Olafur Gunnarsson & me at foot of The Viking Mountain in Iceland, to Andy
Cook for photo of me in Edinburgh Scotland (with McBeth's castle behind me,
while on War Poets Tour in Europe with Frank Messina & Sarah Elizabeth
& Andy Cook), to Hunter S. Thompson for his generous words bout
me & my work (on back cover of book), to my new booking
agent/manager Shawn Pierson, to David Amram & Frank Messina & Gregory
Chaney & Olafur Gunnarsson & Michael Dean Odin Pollock & Scott
Mertz for inspiration, and, finally, Special Thanks to Daddy (crossed
over a year ago) & Mama, to my brother Brad and sisters Paddy
& Edie & Robin & Velvet (& their/our families), to my
children Nathanial & Rani & Dylan & grandchildren Roz &
Max (& to their our families including Nancye & all her our family),
to all my family and friends allies guides angels round the world (&
in all realms of being, seen & unseen) for the gift of love and
inspiration. I'm deeply honored by all of life, every person being event
moment, past present future, seen & unseen. I have no complaints, only
thanks. Thank
You. All of You. See you at the show(s)(this side & the other(s)!!!! to
check out new Ron videos go to http://www.youtube.com/studio502sessions Ron
Whitehead, outlaw poet & damn proud of it give
me honesty freedom & liberty or give me death!!!! 502
475 7772 plus
facebook & facebook fan club Copies of the Ron's new book (20th)/cd
(30th)/dvd (1st), THE STORM GENERATION MANIFESTO and on parting, the
wilderness poems, are available at the author’s shows, and at P R E S S I N Q U I R I E
S , P L E A S E C O N T A C T : S t e p h a n i e B r o t
h e r s 5 0 2 . 5 6 1 . 1 1 6 2 s t e p h a n i e @t h e g
r e e n b u i l d i n g . c o m if
you're interested in Ron Whitehead, and/or his new band, Outlaw Poet Ron
Whitehead & his Viking Hillbilly God's Open Nerve Storm Generation
Allstar Band, appearing/performing/reading/giving talks/presentations at
your college/university/school/museum/festival/club, anywhere round the
world, contact Shawn Pierson, Studio 502, 502.230.1772,
bookings@louisvillestudio502.com keep
Louisville (& the world & all intergalactic & interdimensional
space) Gonzo (& weird)!!!!!!!!! to
check out new Ron videos go to http://www.youtube.com/studio502sessions Ron
Whitehead, outlaw poet & damn proud of it give
me honesty freedom & liberty or give me death!!!! 502
475 7772 plus
facebook & facebook fan club Copies of the Ron's new book (20th)/cd
(30th)/dvd (1st), THE STORM GENERATION MANIFESTO and on parting, the
wilderness poems, are available at the author’s shows, and at P R E S S I N Q U I R I E
S , P L E A S E C O N T A C T : S t e p h a n i e B r o t
h e r s 5 0 2 . 5 6 1 . 1 1 6 2 s t e p h a n i e @t h e g
r e e n b u i l d i n g . c o m if
you're interested in Ron Whitehead, and/or his new band, Outlaw Poet Ron
Whitehead & his Viking Hillbilly God's Open Nerve Storm Generation
Allstar Band, appearing/performing/reading/giving talks/presentations at
your college/university/school/museum/festival/club, anywhere round the
world, contact Shawn Pierson, Studio 502, 502.230.1772,
bookings@louisvillestudio502.com keep
Louisville (& the world & all intergalactic & interdimensional
space) Gonzo (& weird)!!!!!!!!! to
check out new Ron videos go to http://www.youtube.com/studio502sessions Ron
Whitehead, outlaw poet & damn proud of it give
me honesty freedom & liberty or give me death!!!! 502
475 7772 plus
facebook & facebook fan club Copies of the Ron's new book (20th)/cd (30th)/dvd (1st), THE STORM
GENERATION MANIFESTO and on parting, the wilderness poems, are available
at the author’s shows, and at P R E S S I N Q U I R I E S , P L E A
S E C O N T A C T : S t e p h a n i e B r o t h e r s 5 0
2 . 5 6 1 . 1 1 6 2 s t e p h a n i e @t h e g r e e n b u
i l d i n g . c o m if
you're interested in Ron Whitehead, and/or his new band, Outlaw Poet Ron
Whitehead & his Viking Hillbilly God's Open Nerve Storm Generation
Allstar Band, appearing/performing/reading/giving
talks/presentations at your college/university/school/museum/festival/club,
anywhere round the world, contact Shawn Pierson, Studio
502, 502.230.1772, bookings@louisvillestudio502.com keep
Louisville (& the world & all intergalactic & interdimensional
space) Gonzo (& weird)!!!!!!!!! |
Evening of Tantric Crazy Wisdom Wildness Burlesque Music Dance Art Spoken
Word (God bless anybody who misses this show) celebrating
the release of Outlaw Poet Ron Whitehead's THE
STORM GENERATION MANIFESTO and on parting, the wilderness poems Ron's
20th book, 30th cd, 1st DVD, plus 4 new videos tonight
August 27, 2010 422 W.
Oak Street Louisville,
Kentucky 502 636
1311 $10 cover 10pm-1:45am featuring
NYC Mets Poet Frank Messina, Tyrone Cotton, Scott Mertz, Cynthia
Nelson, Dean McClain, Russel Hulsey, Sylvia Walters, Rani Newman, Rebekah
Trigg, Angela Brown (& her snake), Danielle Vertrees, Samantha The Hawk
Hawkinson, The Show-Me Burlesque Troupe, Justin Lewis, Gnuma (middle eastern
groove band with Andy Cook percussion & didgeridoo & James Vaughn
cello & Ray Wegimont guitar), Outlaw Poet Ron Whitehead &
more plus art
by Russel Hulsey, Emil Walton, Scott Shuffitt, Frank Messina, Howard
Wilson, Cynthia Norton, Andy Cook, Jeremy Dixon, & more. film
& photography by Amanda Arnold Special
Thanks to Ken & Sheila & everybody at The Rudyard Kipling,
Louisville's Ryman Auditorium (only better). Special Thanks to Gill Scott
Holland for bringing out my new book/cd/dvd/videos. I'm deeply
honored humbled and appreciative of/by the beautifully produced
work which is unlike anything i've done before. Special Thanks to Gill &
Augusta & Holland Brown Books & everybody at The Green
Building & everyone involved in the production distribution &
sales of my newest work (& upcoming world tour) including Stephanie
Brothers (editor), Patrick Bourland (assistant editor), Amber, Stephen Kertis
& Kertis Creative Crew for DVD & 4 new videos, to Jeff Carpenter
& Al Fresco Studios for recording mixing mastering new CD, to Sarah
Elizabeth for layout & graphic design, to Pip Pullen for front & back
book cover & CD & DVD graphic art, to Lisa K Worley for photo of
Olafur Gunnarsson & me at foot of The Viking Mountain in Iceland, to Andy
Cook for photo of me in Edinburgh Scotland (with McBeth's castle behind me,
while on War Poets Tour in Europe with Frank Messina & Sarah Elizabeth
& Andy Cook), to J. B. Wilson for front cover photo of Ron performing
with his last band SOUTHSIDE @ ear@-tacy records & to my friend Hunter
S. Thompson for his generous words bout me & my work (on back cover
of book), to my new booking agent/manager Shawn Pierson, to David Amram &
Frank Messina & Gregory Chaney & Olafur Gunnarsson & Michael Dean
Odin Pollock & Scott Mertz for inspiration, and, finally, Special
Thanks to Daddy (crossed over a year ago) & Mama, to my brother
Brad and sisters Paddy & Edie & Robin & Velvet (&
their/our families), to my children Nathanial & Rani &
Dylan & grandchildren Roz & Max (& to their our families
including Nancye & all her our family), to all my family and friends
allies guides angels round the world (& in all realms of being, seen
& unseen) for the gift of love and inspiration. I'm
deeply honored by all of life, every person being event moment, past
present future, seen & unseen. I have no complaints, only thanks. Thank
You. All of You. See you at the show(s)(this side & the other(s)!!!! to
check out new Ron videos go to http://www.youtube.com/studio502sessions Ron
Whitehead, outlaw poet & damn proud of it give
me honesty freedom & liberty or give me death!!!! 502
475 7772 plus
facebook & facebook fan club Copies of the Ron's new book (20th)/cd
(30th)/dvd (1st), THE STORM GENERATION MANIFESTO and on parting, the
wilderness poems, are available at the author’s shows, and at P R E S S I N
Q U I R I E S , P L E A S E C O N T A C T : S t e p h a n
i e B r o t h e r s 5 0 2 . 5 6 1 . 1 1 6 2 s t e p h a n
i e @t h e g r e e n b u i l d i n g . c o m if
you're interested in Ron Whitehead, and/or his new band, Outlaw Poet Ron
Whitehead & his Viking Hillbilly God's Open Nerve Storm Generation
Allstar Band, appearing/performing/reading/giving talks/presentations at
your college/university/school/museum/festival/club, anywhere round the
world, contact Shawn Pierson, Studio 502, 502.230.1772,
bookings@louisvillestudio502.com keep
Louisville (& the world & all intergalactic & interdimensional
space) Gonzo (& weird)!!!!!!!!! to
check out new Ron videos go to http://www.youtube.com/studio502sessions Ron
Whitehead, outlaw poet & damn proud of it give
me honesty freedom & liberty or give me death!!!! 502
475 7772 plus
facebook & facebook fan club Copies of the Ron's new book (20th)/cd
(30th)/dvd (1st), THE STORM GENERATION MANIFESTO and on parting, the
wilderness poems, are available at the author’s shows, and at P R E S S I N
Q U I R I E S , P L E A S E C O N T A C T : S t e p h a n
i e B r o t h e r s 5 0 2 . 5 6 1 . 1 1 6 2 s t e p h a n
i e @t h e g r e e n b u i l d i n g . c o m if
you're interested in Ron Whitehead, and/or his new band, Outlaw Poet Ron
Whitehead & his Viking Hillbilly God's Open Nerve Storm Generation
Allstar Band, appearing/performing/reading/giving talks/presentations at
your college/university/school/museum/festival/club, anywhere round the
world, contact Shawn Pierson, Studio 502, 502.230.1772,
bookings@louisvillestudio502.com keep
Louisville (& the world & all intergalactic & interdimensional
space) Gonzo (& weird)!!!!!!!!! to
check out new Ron videos go to http://www.youtube.com/studio502sessions Ron
Whitehead, outlaw poet & damn proud of it give
me honesty freedom & liberty or give me death!!!! 502
475 7772 plus
facebook & facebook fan club Copies of the Ron's new book (20th)/cd
(30th)/dvd (1st), THE STORM GENERATION MANIFESTO and on parting, the
wilderness poems, are available at the author’s shows, and at P R E S S I N Q U I R I E
S , P L E A S E C O N T A C T : S t e p h a n i e B r o t
h e r s 5 0 2 . 5 6 1 . 1 1 6 2 s t e p h a n i e @t h e
g r e e n b u i l d i n g . c o m if
you're interested in Ron Whitehead, and/or his new band, Outlaw Poet Ron
Whitehead & his Viking Hillbilly God's Open Nerve Storm Generation
Allstar Band, appearing/performing/reading/giving talks/presentations at
your college/university/school/museum/festival/club, anywhere round the
world, contact Shawn Pierson, Studio 502, 502.230.1772,
bookings@louisvillestudio502.com keep
Louisville (& the world & all intergalactic & interdimensional
space) Gonzo (& weird)!!!!!!!!! to
check out new Ron videos go to http://www.youtube.com/studio502sessions Ron
Whitehead, outlaw poet & damn proud of it give
me honesty freedom & liberty or give me death!!!! 502
475 7772 plus
facebook & facebook fan club Copies of the Ron's new book (20th)/cd (30th)/dvd (1st), THE STORM
GENERATION MANIFESTO and on parting, the wilderness poems, are available
at the author’s shows, and at P R E S S I N Q U I R I E S , P L E A
S E C O N T A C T : S t e p h a n i e B r o t h e r s 5 0
2 . 5 6 1 . 1 1 6 2 s t e p h a n i e @t h e g r e e n b u
i l d i n g . c o m if
you're interested in Ron Whitehead, and/or his new band, Outlaw Poet Ron
Whitehead & his Viking Hillbilly God's Open Nerve Storm Generation
Allstar Band, appearing/performing/reading/giving
talks/presentations at your college/university/school/museum/festival/club,
anywhere round the world, contact Shawn Pierson, Studio
502, 502.230.1772, bookings@louisvillestudio502.com keep
Louisville (& the world & all intergalactic & interdimensional
space) Gonzo (& weird)!!!!!!!!! |
Immediate Release: An
Evening of Outrageous Music & Spoken Word & Who Knows What Else with
Outlaw Poet Ron Whitehead & his Viking Hillbilly God's Open Nerve Storm
Generation Apocalypse Rattlesnake Blood Drinking chasing it with
Shots of Lightning Allstar Bands celebrating
the release of Ron's new book (his 20th)/cd (his 30th)/dvd (his 1st) THE STORM
GENERATION MANIFESTO and on parting, the wilderness poems published
by Gill Scott Holland & Holland Brown Books Special
Thanks to Gill Scott Holland & Stephanie Brothers (editor) & Patrick
Bourland (assistant editor) & Stephen Kertis (dvd & 4 new videos)
& Jeff Carpenter/Al Fresco Studio (cd) & Sarah Elizabeth (layout
& graphic design) & Pip Pullen (graphic art) & Lisa K Worley (for
photo of Olafur Gunnarsson, Iceland's leading novelist, & Ron @ foot of
The Viking Mountain in Iceland) & Andy Cook (for photo of Ron in
Edinburgh Scotland w/McBeth's castle in background, on War Poets Tour) &
J.B. Wilson (for photo of Ron performing w/SOUTHSIDE @ earX-tacy records)
& to Hunter S. Thompson for words bout Ron & his work on back cover
of book & to Matthew Dace Landen/Derby City Espresso & to all the
bands & poets & musicians performers for kickingass blowing roof off
the joint making it real. if it ain't real it ain't no fucking deal. see you
all @ the show. Derby
City Espresso East
Market Street Louisville
Kentucky 1st
Friday Gallery Hop 8pm-2am September
3, 2010 no cover 8-8:10pm:
Ron welcome 8:25-9:10:
Ron Whitehead w/Cynthia Nelson 9:10-9:55:
Justin Lewis 9:55-10: Samantha
The Hawk Hawkinson 10-10:45:
Lonely Mountain 10:45-11:
Russel Hulsey 11-11:45:
Cynthia Nelson 11:45-12:30:
Onward Pilgrim 12:30-1:30:
Lotus Blake books cds
dvds sex by all (well nearly all) performers will be available for
purchase for more
info contact Ron Whitehead email ron@tappingmyownphone.com cell 502
475 7772 to
check out new Ron videos go to http://www.youtube.com/studio502sessions Ron
Whitehead, outlaw poet & damn proud of it give
me honesty freedom & liberty or give me death!!!! 502
475 7772 plus
facebook & facebook fan club Copies of the Ron's new book (20th)/cd (30th)/dvd (1st), THE STORM
GENERATION MANIFESTO and on parting, the wilderness poems, are available
at the author’s shows, and at P R E S S I N Q U I R I E S , P L E A
S E C O N T A C T : S t e p h a n i e B r o t h e r s 5 0
2 . 5 6 1 . 1 1 6 2 s t e p h a n i e @t h e g r e e n b u
i l d i n g . c o m if
you're interested in Ron Whitehead, and/or his new band, Outlaw Poet Ron
Whitehead & his Viking Hillbilly God's Open Nerve Storm Generation
Allstar Band, appearing/performing/reading/giving
talks/presentations at your
college/university/school/museum/festival/club, anywhere round the
world, contact Shawn Pierson, Studio 502, 502.230.1772,
bookings@louisvillestudio502.com keep
Louisville (& the world & all intergalactic & interdimensional
space) Gonzo (& weird)!!!!!!!!! to
check out new Ron videos go to http://www.youtube.com/studio502sessions Ron
Whitehead, outlaw poet & damn proud of it give
me honesty freedom & liberty or give me death!!!! 502
475 7772 plus
facebook & facebook fan club Copies of the Ron's new book (20th)/cd (30th)/dvd (1st), THE STORM
GENERATION MANIFESTO and on parting, the wilderness poems, are available
at the author’s shows, and at P R E S S I N Q U I R I E S , P L E A
S E C O N T A C T : S t e p h a n i e B r o t h e r s 5 0
2 . 5 6 1 . 1 1 6 2 s t e p h a n i e @t h e g r e e n b u
i l d i n g . c o m if
you're interested in Ron Whitehead, and/or his new band, Outlaw Poet Ron
Whitehead & his Viking Hillbilly God's Open Nerve Storm Generation
Allstar Band, appearing/performing/reading/giving
talks/presentations at your
college/university/school/museum/festival/club, anywhere round the
world, contact Shawn Pierson, Studio 502, 502.230.1772,
bookings@louisvillestudio502.com keep
Louisville (& the world & all intergalactic & interdimensional
space) Gonzo (& weird)!!!!!!!!! |
hello my
dear family & friends. within the hour i'll be moving to new address: Ron
Whitehead 919
Cherokee Road Louisville,
Kentucky 40204 cell
(same) 502 475 7772 email
(same) ron@tappingmyownphone.com website www.tappingmyownphone.com (need new webmaster) plus
facebook & facebook fan club publisher
(& friend) of my new book (20th) cd (30th) dvd (1st) & 4 new videos Gill
Scott Holland, The Green Building, and Holland Brown Books is giving
me poet apartment bachelor hangoutology pad on East Market Street
(across from Mayan Gypsy Cafe. the place doesn't have an address). this will
be interim apartment for six weeks. then. Howard
& Nancy Wilson (above address) are building me Ron Poet bachelor
hangoutology pad on side of their beautiful big home lower Cherokee Road, 5
houses from Cave Hill Cemetary, where i can stay rest of my life if i want.
i'll have my own private entrance. they've already bought me new bicycle and
color tv plus fixing it up beautifully. i told Gill & Howard & Nancy
that i ain't no freeloader and so we've already worked out or are working out
barter deals. having grown up on farm barter is only economy i choose to live
by. so. within hour i'll be moved to East Market. excited. bout time.
thankful for everything. no complaints. only thanks. hope to practice some
hangoutology with all of you soon. and hope to see all of you friday night
1st friday gallery hop @ Derby City Espresso where i'm doing show 8pm to 2am
totally diverse all kinds bands musicians poets artist wildness mayhem
breaking shit birthing dying. real life. real art. no phoneyass academic
shit. see you there. love Ron,
outlaw poet & damn proud of it to
check out new Ron videos go to http://www.youtube.com/studio502sessions Ron
Whitehead, outlaw poet & damn proud of it give
me honesty freedom & liberty or give me death!!!! 502
475 7772 plus
facebook & facebook fan club Copies of the Ron's new book (20th)/cd (30th)/dvd (1st), THE STORM
GENERATION MANIFESTO and on parting, the wilderness poems, are available
at the author’s shows, and at P R E S S I N Q U I R I E S , P L E A
S E C O N T A C T : S t e p h a n i e B r o t h e r s 5 0
2 . 5 6 1 . 1 1 6 2 s t e p h a n i e @t h e g r e e n b u
i l d i n g . c o m if
you're interested in Ron Whitehead, and/or his new band, Outlaw Poet Ron
Whitehead & his Viking Hillbilly God's Open Nerve Storm Generation
Allstar Band, appearing/performing/reading/giving talks/presentations at
your college/university/school/museum/festival/club, anywhere round the
world, contact Ron
Whitehead, cell 502 475 7772 or email ron@tappingmyownphone.com keep
Louisville (& the world & all intergalactic & interdimensional
space) Gonzo (& weird)!!!!!!!!! to
check out new Ron videos go to http://www.youtube.com/studio502sessions Ron
Whitehead, outlaw poet & damn proud of it give
me honesty freedom & liberty or give me death!!!! 502
475 7772 plus
facebook & facebook fan club Copies of the Ron's new book (20th)/cd (30th)/dvd (1st), THE STORM
GENERATION MANIFESTO and on parting, the wilderness poems, are available
at the author’s shows, and at P R E S S I N Q U I R I E S , P L E A
S E C O N T A C T : S t e p h a n i e B r o t h e r s 5 0
2 . 5 6 1 . 1 1 6 2 s t e p h a n i e @t h e g r e e n b u
i l d i n g . c o m if
you're interested in Ron Whitehead, and/or his new band, Outlaw Poet Ron
Whitehead & his Viking Hillbilly God's Open Nerve Storm Generation
Allstar Band, appearing/performing/reading/giving
talks/presentations at your
college/university/school/museum/festival/club, anywhere round the
world, contact Ron
Whitehead, cell 502 475 7772 or email ron@tappingmyownphone.com keep
Louisville (& the world & all intergalactic & interdimensional
space) Gonzo (& weird)!!!!!!!!! |
the 1st ever annual GONZO Festival paying tribute to and honoring
the life, work and legacy of one of the greatest most fearless writers of all
time, Louisville’s own native son Hunter S. Thompson. Saturday October 16, 2010 from Noon till 2AM at The
Monkey Wrench. 1025 Barrett Avenue Louisville KY 40204 Phone (502)
582-2433 Tickets for the Rain or Shine event are $12.00 in
advance for General Admission or $15.00 day of the event for the entire show.
VIP ALL Access $75.00 includes complimentary Food and Beverage for entire
Fest. Tickets available @ earX-tacy records, The Monkey Wrench and online @ www.eTix.com This will be an international event / happening /
celebration featuring Hunter's widow Anita Thompson and some of the best
local bands, musicians, singers, spoken word poets, authors, visual artists,
dancers, speakers, sculptors, photographers, filmmakers, and DJs. The
final mind-blowing lineup (which includes Scott Carney of Wax Fang, The
Fervor, The Workers & many many others) will be announced within 72
hours plus there will also be special unannounced surprise guests. Hunter
S. Thompson films and documentaries will be shown non-stop throughout the
festival. A Mural of Hunter S. Thompson, created by Louisville’s Andy
Cook, will be revealed during the festival. Gonzo works, Resistance Art and
Hunter memorabilia will also be on display paying honor to our Local Legend. GONZOFEST is brought to
you by producers Dennie Humphrey, owner of The Monkey Wrench, Outlaw Poet Ron
Whitehead, and with Associate Producers Tisha Dean of Beerhouse Distributors
and Flying Dog Ales, Scott Shuffitt, & others to be announced. Kyle Meredith, WFPK Radio Louisville Program Manager
and Outlaw Poet Ron Whitehead will MC the event. Ron will also perform with
his new band Onward Pilgrim. Executive
Producer Holland Brown Books. Festival Filmmakers and Photographers: Amanda
Arnold, Ryan Armbrust, & others to be announced. Sponsored
by: Beerhouse Distributors & Flying Dog Ales (all Flying Do Beers
including event exclusives will be on tap), The Monkey Wrench, Holland Brown
Books, Published in Heaven, The Global Literary Renaissance, The Moving
Mystery Theatre, DiY Productions, Club 502, earX-tacy records, Monkey Drive,
& more to be announced. July
2, 1960, From Bermuda 23 Years old: “If I could think of a way to do it right now, I’d
head back to Louisville sit on the porch drinking beer, drive around Cherokee
Park for a few nights, and try to sink back as far as I could into the world
that did its best to make me. It’s not hard to get tired of interminable
palms and Poinciana and I could do at the moment with a single elm tree on a
midnight street in the Highlands.” Hunter S.
Thompson “I
have long admired Ron Whitehead. He is as crazy as nine loons, and his poetry
is a dazzling mix of folk wisdom and pure mathematics.” Hunter
S. Thompson
"I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone,
but they've always worked for me." Hunter S. Thompson
outlaw can be defined as somebody who lives outside the law, not necessarily
against it. By the time I wrote HELL'S ANGELS I was riding with them and it
was clear that it was no longer possible for me to go back and live within
the law. There were a lot more outlaws than me. I was just a writer. I wasn't
trying to be an outlaw writer, I never heard of the term, somebody else made
it up. But we were all outside the law, Kerouac, Miller, Burroughs, Ginsber,
Kesey, me. I didn't have to gauge as to who was the worst outlaw. I just
recognized my allies, my people." Hunter S. Thompson "Who the fuck do you think wrote
THE BOOK OF REVELATIONS, a bunch of stone sober clerics?" Hunter S. Thompson to
check out new Ron videos go to http://www.youtube.com/studio502sessions Ron
Whitehead, outlaw poet & damn proud of it give
me honesty freedom & liberty or give me death!!!! 502
475 7772 plus
facebook & facebook fan club Copies of the Ron's new book (20th)/cd
(30th)/dvd (1st), THE STORM GENERATION MANIFESTO and on parting, the
wilderness poems, are available at the author’s shows, and at P R E S S I N Q U I R I E S
, P L E A S E C O N T A C T : S t e p h a n i e B r o t h
e r s 5 0 2 . 5 6 1 . 1 1 6 2 s t e p h a n i e @t h e g r
e e n b u i l d i n g . c o m if
you're interested in Ron Whitehead, and/or his new band, Outlaw Poet Ron
Whitehead & his Viking Hillbilly God's Open Nerve Storm Generation
Allstar Band, appearing/performing/reading/giving
talks/presentations at your college/university/school/museum/festival/club,
anywhere round the world, contact Ron
Whitehead, cell 502 475 7772 or email ron@tappingmyownphone.com keep
Louisville (& the world & all intergalactic & interdimensional
space) Gonzo (& weird)!!!!!!!!!
check out new Ron videos go to http://www.youtube.com/studio502sessions Ron
Whitehead, outlaw poet & damn proud of it give
me honesty freedom & liberty or give me death!!!! 502
475 7772 plus
facebook & facebook fan club Copies of the Ron's new book
(20th)/cd (30th)/dvd (1st), THE STORM GENERATION MANIFESTO and on parting,
the wilderness poems, are available at the author’s shows, and at
R E S S I N Q U I R I E S , P L E A S E C O N T A C T : S
t e p h a n i e B r o t h e r s 5 0 2 . 5 6 1 . 1 1 6 2 s
t e p h a n i e @t h e g r e e n b u i l d i n g . c o m if
you're interested in Ron Whitehead, and/or his new band, Outlaw Poet Ron
Whitehead & his Viking Hillbilly God's Open Nerve Storm Generation
Allstar Band, appearing/performing/reading/giving
talks/presentations at your
college/university/school/museum/festival/club, anywhere round the world, contact Ron
Whitehead, cell 502 475 7772 or email ron@tappingmyownphone.com keep
Louisville (& the world & all intergalactic & interdimensional
space) Gonzo (& weird)!!!!!!!!! |
on the Big Fucking Cross Dr. John
1st ever
International GONZO FESTIVAL celebrating the life & work of Louisville
Kentucky's native son Dr. Hunter Stockton Shaman Thompson saturday
october 16, 2010 noon to 2 or 3 or 4am @ the
new International GONZO Hangoutology Headquarters The
Monkey Wrench, 1025 Barrett Avenue, Louisville Kentucky 40204 usa phone
502 583 2473, www.monkeywrench.net Ron
Whitehead, outlaw poet & damn proud of it!!!! 502
475 7772 plus
facebook & facebook fan club Copies of the Ron's new book (20th)/cd
(30th)/dvd (1st), THE STORM GENERATION MANIFESTO and on parting, the
wilderness poems, are available at the author’s shows, and at P R E S S I N Q U I R I E
S , P L E A S E C O N T A C T : S t e p h a n i e B r o t
h e r s 5 0 2 . 5 6 1 . 1 1 6 2 s t e p h a n i e @t h e g
r e e n b u i l d i n g . c o m if
you're interested in Ron Whitehead, and/or his new band, Outlaw Poet Ron
Whitehead & Onward Pilgrim, appearing/performing/reading/giving
talks/presentations at your
college/university/school/museum/festival/club, anywhere round the world, contact Ron
Whitehead, cell 502 475 7772 or email ron@tappingmyownphone.com keep
Louisville (& the world & all intergalactic & interdimensional
space) GONZO!!!!!!!!! 1st ever
International GONZO FESTIVAL celebrating the life & work of Louisville
Kentucky's native son Dr. Hunter Stockton Shaman Thompson saturday
october 16, 2010 noon to 2 or 3 or 4am @ the
new International GONZO Hangoutology Headquarters The
Monkey Wrench, 1025 Barrett Avenue, Louisville Kentucky 40204 usa phone
502 583 2473, www.monkeywrench.net Ron
Whitehead, outlaw poet & damn proud of it!!!! 502
475 7772 plus
facebook & facebook fan club Copies of the Ron's new book (20th)/cd (30th)/dvd (1st), THE STORM
GENERATION MANIFESTO and on parting, the wilderness poems, are available
at the author’s shows, and at P R E S S I N Q U I R I E S , P L E A
S E C O N T A C T : S t e p h a n i e B r o t h e r s 5 0
2 . 5 6 1 . 1 1 6 2 s t e p h a n i e @t h e g r e e n b u
i l d i n g . c o m if
you're interested in Ron Whitehead, and/or his new band, Outlaw Poet Ron
Whitehead & Onward Pilgrim, appearing/performing/reading/giving
talks/presentations at your
college/university/school/museum/festival/club, anywhere round the
world, contact Ron
Whitehead, cell 502 475 7772 or email ron@tappingmyownphone.com keep
Louisville (& the world & all intergalactic & interdimensional
space) GONZO!!!!!!!!! |
the 1st
ever International Annual GONZO FESTIVAL paying tribute to and honoring the
life, work and legacy of one of the greatest most fearless writers of all
time, Louisville’s own native son Dr. Hunter S. Thompson. Saturday October 16, 2010 from Noon till 2 or 3 or
4AM at Dennie Humphrey's The Monkey Wrench. this first ever, then annual, GONZO FESTIVAL launches
Dennie Humphrey's The Monkey Wrench as International Gonzo Hangoutology
Headquarters. giant Hunter mural (by Carol McLeod, Andy Cook, Evan Leibowitz,
& Alexander King) will be unveiled as part of the Festival,
which will birth International Gonzo Hangoutology Headquarters Monkey
Wrench Park. next year life size bronze statue of Hunter will be unveiled
plus billboard with KEEP THE HIGHLANDS GONZO emblazoned on it. The Monkey Wrench, 1025 Barrett Avenue, Louisville
KY 40204 Phone (502) 582-2433. www.monkeywrench.net Tickets for the Rain or Shine event are $12.00 in
advance for General Admission or $15.00 day of the event for the entire show.
VIP ALL Access $75.00 includes complimentary Food and
Beverage for entire Fest. Tickets available @ earX-tacy records, The Monkey
Wrench and online @ www.eTix.com This will be an international event / happening /
celebration featuring Hunter's widow Anita Thompson and some of the best
bands, musicians, singers, spoken word poets, authors, visual artists,
dancers, speakers, sculptors, photographers, filmmakers, and DJs
including Scott Carney of Wax Fang, The Galoots, John Yarmuth, The Fervor,
The Workers, Gatewood Galbreith, Tyrone Cotton, Nerves Jr., The Commonwealth,
Ultra Pulverize, Bad Reeds, The Deloreans, Russel Hulsey, Your News Vehicle,
Gnuma, Lotus Blake, Brigid Kaelin, Brett Eugene Ralph with Jacklyn
Mareau, Paul K with Jon Ashley, W. Loran Smith, Susi Wood, Ed
McClanahan, John Gage, John Paul Wright, Kent Fielding, Ninnie, Eric
Sutherland (Holler Poets), Marion Dries, Laura Shine, Woodrow on The
Radio & Matt Anthony, Six White Horses, Glasspack, Ray Rizzo & Traci
Timmons, The Java Men, King Kong, 23 String Band, Jak Son Renfro &
Serpent Wisdom, Rani Bri Newman, Dean McClain, Rob Zoschke, Charlie Newman,
Outlaw Poet Ron Whitehead & Onward Pilgrim, Kelly Render Wilkinson, J.B.
Miller, Johnny Sands, Sarah Elizabeth Burkey, Justin Lewis, Angela Wood
(& snake), The Ghost of Rebekah Trigg, Danny O'Bryan, High Water
Mark, William Sovern, Rob Z, James Davis, Joe Manning, Thomas A. Minor &
The Picket Line, Dylan Browning Whitehead, Gui Stuart, Nancy Wilson,
Soul River Brown, Shelley Vaughn Hora, Matter of Chance, Bradford
Nathanial Whitehead, Dave Nichols, Divinity Rose, John Hagan, Samantha
The Hawk Hawkinson, Matthew Landen, plus The Everything GONZO Art Show (curated by Andy
Cook) with works by Russel Hulsey, Howard Wilson, Christopher Felver,
Scott Shuffitt, Emil Walton, Jeremy Dixon, Shelly Vaughn Hora, Paul Paletti,
Erin Fitzgerald, Jamie Lynn Smith, Elizabeth Windisch, Rebekah Trigg, Angela
Wood, George Scott, Ragen Daly, William Brandum, Wilfred Sieg III,
& Scott McCrory. many other participants to be announced plus
there will also be special unannounced surprise guests. Hunter
S. Thompson films and documentaries will be shown non-stop throughout the
festival. GONZOFEST produced
by Dennie Humphrey, owner of The Monkey Wrench & Outlaw Poet
Ron Whitehead with Associate Producers Tisha Dean (Beerhouse Distributors and
Flying Dog Ales), Scott Shuffitt (The Lebowski Festival), Joe Wembling, &
others to be announced. Kyle Meredith, 91.9fm www.wfpk.org WFPK Radio
Louisville Music Director and Outlaw Poet Ron Whitehead
will Host the event. Ron will also perform with his new band Onward
Pilgrim. Executive
Producer Holland Brown Books, www.hollandbrownbooks.com (publisher of
Ron's newest THE STORM GENERATION MANIFESTO and on parting, the wilderness
poems book(20th), cd(30th), dvd(1st, plus 4 new videos), @ The Green
Building. Festival Filmmakers and Photographers: George Parker
Jr. & KyGREENtv www.kygreen.tv & The
Louisville Film Society, Christian Hansen, Amanda Arnold, Ryan Armbrust,
Shelley Vaughn Hora, James O'Hayer & others to be announced. thursday
October 14, 2010 Live in-store GONZO FESTIVAL performance @ earX-tacy records
Bardstown Road featuring many of the GONZO FESTIVAL performers plus
talk/reading/signing by Anita Thompson of ANCIENT GONZO WISDOM: Interviews
with Hunter S. Thompson and GONZO WAY: A Celebration of Dr. Hunter S.
Thompson. plus.
announcements regarding other GONZO FESTIVAL related happenings to be
announced. Sponsored
by: Dennie Humphrey's The Monkey Wrench, Beerhouse Distributors & Flying
Dog Ales (all Flying Dog Beers including event exclusives will be on tap),
Holland Brown Books, earX-tacy records, The Lebowski Festival, Old Town
Liquors, Heine Brothers Coffee, Guitar Emporium, Leatherhead, The
Louisville Film Society, Published in Heaven, The Global Literary
Renaissance, The Moving Mystery Theatre, DiY Do it Yourself Productions &
more to be announced. July
2, 1960, From Bermuda 23 Years old: “If I could think of a way to do it right now, I’d
head back to Louisville sit on the porch drinking beer, drive around Cherokee
Park for a few nights, and try to sink back as far as I could into the world
that did its best to make me. It’s not hard to get tired of interminable
palms and Poinciana and I could do at the moment with a single elm tree on a
midnight street in the Highlands.” Hunter S.
Thompson “I
have long admired Ron Whitehead. He is as crazy as nine loons, and his poetry
is a dazzling mix of folk wisdom and pure mathematics.” Hunter
S. Thompson
"I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone,
but they've always worked for me." Hunter S. Thompson
outlaw can be defined as somebody who lives outside the law, not necessarily
against it. By the time I wrote HELL'S ANGELS I was riding with them and it
was clear that it was no longer possible for me to go back and live within
the law. There were a lot more outlaws than me. I was just a writer. I wasn't
trying to be an outlaw writer, I never heard of the term, somebody else made
it up. But we were all outside the law, Kerouac, Miller, Burroughs, Ginsber,
Kesey, me. I didn't have to gauge as to who was the worst outlaw. I just
recognized my allies, my people." Hunter S. Thompson "Who the fuck do you think wrote
THE BOOK OF REVELATIONS, a bunch of stone sober clerics?" Hunter S. Thompson
S. Thompson "Everybody is rolling over in an
age of cowardice, fear, greed. You can fight city hall, and you can beat the
system. People are getting afraid to try. I couldn't have told you what the
Fourth Amendment was until I got rolled over by that gang of white trash pig
D.A. investigators that came to my house. Refusing to plea bargain and
choosing to face a sixteen-year prison term in court until all charges were
dropped, it was as much fun as I ever had in my life. I think it's something
people should do and be able to do, just say Fuck You. You're the ones who
broke the law, you came into my house." Hunter S.
Thompson The
Dark and Bloody Ground by
Russel Hulsey Hunter
Thompson's Louisville! Gus
Van Sant's Louisville! Will
Oldham's Louisville! Ron
Whitehead's Louisville! Jim
James' Louisville! Sam
Gilliam's Louisville! Tim
Krekel's Louisville! Will
Russell's Louisville! Thaniel
Ion Lee's Louisville! Sean
Garrison's Louisville! Gill
Holland's Louisville! Jason
Noble's Louisville! Leslie
Lyons' Louisville! Thomas
Merton's Louisville! Harlan
Hubbard's Louisville! Hunter
Thompson's Louisville! Gus
Van Sant's Louisville! Will
Oldham's Louisville! Ron
Whitehead's Louisville! Jim
James' Louisville! Hunter
Thompson's Louisville! Hun to
check out new Ron videos go to http://www.youtube.com/studio502sessions Ron
Whitehead, outlaw poet & damn proud of it give
me honesty freedom & liberty or give me death!!!! 502
475 7772 plus
facebook & facebook fan club Copies of the Ron's new book (20th)/cd
(30th)/dvd (1st), THE STORM GENERATION MANIFESTO and on parting, the
wilderness poems, are available at the author’s shows, and at P R E S S I N Q U I R I E S , P L
E A S E C O N T A C T : S t e p h a n i e B r o t h e r s
5 0 2 . 5 6 1 . 1 1 6 2 s t e p h a n i e @t h e g r e e
n b u i l d i n g . c o m if
you're interested in Ron Whitehead, and/or his new band, Outlaw Poet Ron
Whitehead & his Viking Hillbilly God's Open Nerve Storm Generation
Allstar Band, appearing/performing/reading/giving
talks/presentations at your
college/university/school/museum/festival/club, anywhere round the world, contact Ron
Whitehead, cell 502 475 7772 or email ron@tappingmyownphone.com keep
Louisville (& the world & all intergalactic & interdimensional
space) Gonzo (& weird)!!!!!!!!!
1st ever
International GONZO FESTIVAL celebrating the life & work of Louisville
Kentucky's native son Dr. Hunter Stockton Shaman Thompson saturday
october 16, 2010 noon to 2 or 3 or 4am @ the
new International GONZO Hangoutology Headquarters The
Monkey Wrench, 1025 Barrett Avenue, Louisville Kentucky 40204 usa phone
502 583 2473, www.monkeywrench.net Ron
Whitehead, outlaw poet & damn proud of it!!!! 502
475 7772 plus
facebook & facebook fan club Copies of the Ron's new book
(20th)/cd (30th)/dvd (1st), THE STORM GENERATION MANIFESTO and on parting,
the wilderness poems, are available at the author’s shows, and at
R E S S I N Q U I R I E S , P L E A S E C O N T A C T : S
t e p h a n i e B r o t h e r s 5 0 2 . 5 6 1 . 1 1 6 2 s
t e p h a n i e @t h e g r e e n b u i l d i n g . c o m if
you're interested in Ron Whitehead, and/or his new band, Outlaw Poet Ron
Whitehead & Onward Pilgrim, appearing/performing/reading/giving
talks/presentations at your
college/university/school/museum/festival/club, anywhere round the
world, contact Ron
Whitehead, cell 502 475 7772 or email ron@tappingmyownphone.com keep
Louisville (& the world & all intergalactic & interdimensional
space) GONZO!!!!!!!!! 1st ever
International GONZO FESTIVAL celebrating the life & work of Louisville
Kentucky's native son Dr. Hunter Stockton Shaman Thompson saturday
october 16, 2010 noon to 2 or 3 or 4am @ the
new International GONZO Hangoutology Headquarters The
Monkey Wrench, 1025 Barrett Avenue, Louisville Kentucky 40204 usa phone
502 583 2473, www.monkeywrench.net Ron
Whitehead, outlaw poet & damn proud of it!!!! 502
475 7772 plus
facebook & facebook fan club Copies of the Ron's new book
(20th)/cd (30th)/dvd (1st), THE STORM GENERATION MANIFESTO and on parting,
the wilderness poems, are available at the author’s shows, and at
R E S S I N Q U I R I E S , P L E A S E C O N T A C T : S
t e p h a n i e B r o t h e r s 5 0 2 . 5 6 1 . 1 1 6 2 s
t e p h a n i e @t h e g r e e n b u i l d i n g . c o m if
you're interested in Ron Whitehead, and/or his new band, Outlaw Poet Ron
Whitehead & Onward Pilgrim, appearing/performing/reading/giving
talks/presentations at your
college/university/school/museum/festival/club, anywhere round the
world, contact Ron
Whitehead, cell 502 475 7772 or email ron@tappingmyownphone.com keep
Louisville (& the world & all intergalactic & interdimensional
space) GONZO!!!!!!!!! |
Kentucky Reclamation for
Hunter S. Thompson & Dennie Humphrey & all
The Wanderering Children of The Mark of Cain Clan the Real
People The Real Creative Artists who continually
fight for the right to party & the right to be
ourselves!!!!!!! Long Live GONZO!!!!!!!!!!! Quebec
and Lowell and NYC & San Fran & Orlando have Jack Jack I said burn baby
burn King of The Beats Jack Kerouac On The Road give me the wild ones Paterson &
New York City & Boulder have Allen Allen I said
Kaddish Allen Ginsberg I see the best fearless minds Howl baby Howl St. Louis
NYC Mexico City Tangier Paris NYC Lawrence The Bunkered Toad Clan
has William
William yes dammit I said The Exterminator William S. Burroughs Naked
Lunch Italy
France NYC North Carolina San Francisco has Lawrence Lawrence I said
dammit listen to me look deep into my eyes & listen I said City
Lights Bookstore & Books Mecca for independent thought thinkers iconoclasts
disappearing truthtellers 1st paperback bookstore in the usa on the
farout left
coast 261 Columbus Avenue North Beath San Francisco I said dammit the most
important living poet on the planet today 92 years old but still hanging come on
Lawrence hang on with my friend John Tytell's help got him nominated for the
Nobel Prize in Literature which he deserves more than anyone just like Ginsberg &
Burroughs did & others Gary Snyder Wendell Berry others that for
whatever reason were considered too radical like me & all the fuck
we want to
do & have devoted our lives to is to make the world a better place
in which to live
for all of us & so like The Dalai Lama & Gandhi &
Mother Teresa & Rumi
& Mama & Daddy & Thomas Merton & Gregory
Chaney & William Blake & Edgar
Cayce & Muhammad Ali & Neal Cassady & Gregory
Corso & Diane di
Prima & Anne Waldman & Ken Kesey & The Merry
Pranksters which includes
yes our own my dear friends Ed McClanahan & Guerney Norman & James
Baker Hall & oh dear Great Spirit oh Creative Forces of The Universe
whoever the hell
it is keeps sending me us poems & songs thank you i love you i love
you which
brings us now finally to the time to closing time closing time in Louisville Kentucky
Louisville Kentucky & its about damn beyond time beyond closing time where is
time well the time the closing time has finally come at last arrived for us to
reclaim to refuckingclaim one of the greatest iconoclastic one of the most
fearless outlaw
rebel writers of alltime of all I said of alltime to reclaim our native
brother son native
son so now right now the time has come always right on time never too late everything
is always right on closing time yes we're here by God to reclaim reclaim from
Louisville The Highlands Louisville to Florida to New York to San Francisco
round the world
to Owl Farm Woody Creek Aspen Colorado and beyond beyond beyond always
beyond beyond IT beyond all boundaries break on through to the other side and keep
on keepin on breakin on through to all the other sides nothing ever ends the
journey is IT IT so now right now we're here in Louisville The Highlands
Kentucky closing
time we're here us yes us this band this band of misfits of delinquents of outlaws
yes to live outside the law you must be honest and oh hellyes honest
fearlessly honest we
be regardless of the consequences truthteller poets writers honest fearless outlaws
we be and so we're by God right here right now reclaiming reclaiming our native
son practicing some long way too long overdue poetry of hillbilly outlaw Kentucky
Reclamation Sorcery reclaiming the one and only for Louisville The Highlands Kentucky
right here right now at Dennie Humphrey's The Monkey Wrench here in the heart of
The Highlands Louisville Kentucky right now right here at The Monkey Wrench the new
International GONZO Hangoutology Monkey Wrench Gang Headquarters we're
here reclaiming here at The 1st ever International GONZO FESTIVAL we're reclaiming
the one and only the one and only i said the one and only KING KING OF GONZO
KING OF GONZO GONZO GONZO Dr. Hunter Stockton Shaman yes Shaman
always remember to ask yourself WHAT WOULD HUNTER DO Shelley
Vaughn Hora & Ron Whitehead september
2010 AHA copyright
(c) 2010 Shelley Vaughn & Ron Whitehead
1st ever
International GONZO FESTIVAL celebrating the life & work of Louisville
Kentucky's native son Dr. Hunter Stockton Shaman Thompson saturday
october 16, 2010 noon to 2 or 3 or 4am @ the
new International GONZO Hangoutology Headquarters The
Monkey Wrench, 1025 Barrett Avenue, Louisville Kentucky 40204 usa phone
502 583 2473, www.monkeywrench.net Ron
Whitehead, outlaw poet & damn proud of it!!!! 502
475 7772 plus
facebook & facebook fan club Copies of the Ron's new book (20th)/cd
(30th)/dvd (1st), THE STORM GENERATION MANIFESTO and on parting, the
wilderness poems, are available at the author’s shows, and at P R E S S I N
Q U I R I E S , P L E A S E C O N T A C T : S t e p h a n
i e B r o t h e r s 5 0 2 . 5 6 1 . 1 1 6 2 s t e p h a n
i e @t h e g r e e n b u i l d i n g . c o m if
you're interested in Ron Whitehead, and/or his new band, Outlaw Poet Ron
Whitehead & Onward Pilgrim, appearing/performing/reading/giving
talks/presentations at your college/university/school/museum/festival/club,
anywhere round the world, contact Ron
Whitehead, cell 502 475 7772 or email ron@tappingmyownphone.com keep
Louisville (& the world & all intergalactic & interdimensional
space) GONZO!!!!!!!!!
1st ever
International GONZO FESTIVAL celebrating the life & work of Louisville
Kentucky's native son Dr. Hunter Stockton Shaman Thompson saturday
october 16, 2010 noon to 2 or 3 or 4am @ the
new International GONZO Hangoutology Headquarters The
Monkey Wrench, 1025 Barrett Avenue, Louisville Kentucky 40204 usa phone
502 583 2473, www.monkeywrench.net Ron
Whitehead, outlaw poet & damn proud of it!!!! 502
475 7772 plus
facebook & facebook fan club Copies of the Ron's new book (20th)/cd (30th)/dvd (1st), THE STORM
GENERATION MANIFESTO and on parting, the wilderness poems, are available
at the author’s shows, and at P R E S S I N Q U I R I E S , P L E A
S E C O N T A C T : S t e p h a n i e B r o t h e r s 5 0
2 . 5 6 1 . 1 1 6 2 s t e p h a n i e @t h e g r e e n b u
i l d i n g . c o m if
you're interested in Ron Whitehead, and/or his new band, Outlaw Poet Ron
Whitehead & Onward Pilgrim, appearing/performing/reading/giving
talks/presentations at your
college/university/school/museum/festival/club, anywhere round the
world, contact Ron
Whitehead, cell 502 475 7772 or email ron@tappingmyownphone.com keep
Louisville (& the world & all intergalactic & interdimensional
space) GONZO!!!!!!!!! |
the 1st
ever International Annual GONZO FESTIVAL paying tribute to and honoring the
life, work and legacy of one of the greatest most fearless writers of all
time, Louisville’s own native son Dr. Hunter S. Thompson. Saturday October 16, 2010 from Noon till 2AM at
Dennie Humphrey's The Monkey Wrench. this first ever, then annual, International
GONZO FESTIVAL launches Dennie Humphrey's The Monkey Wrench as International
Gonzo Hangoutology Headquarters. giant Hunter mural (by Carol McLeod, Andy
Cook, Evan Leibowitz, & Alexander King: check out www.courier-journal.com
9/20/10 Metro Section photo of GONZO mural plus 9/21/10 LEO for GONZO
FESTIVAL ad) will be unveiled as part of the Festival, which will
birth International Gonzo Hangoutology Headquarters Monkey Wrench Park. next
year life size bronze statue (already commissioned) of Hunter will be
unveiled plus billboard with KEEP THE HIGHLANDS GONZO emblazoned on
it. The Monkey Wrench, 1025 Barrett Avenue, Louisville
KY 40204 Phone (502) 582-2433, http://www.facebook.com/home.php7n1/group.php?gil=120003034721497 (who comes up
with these fucking internet addresses?! shite!!!!) Tickets, now on sale, for the Rain or Shine
event are $12.00 in advance for General Admission or $15.00 day of the event
for the entire show. VIP ALL Access (only 100 of these
tickets available & only @ The Monkey Wrench) $75.00 includes
complimentary Food and Beverage (whatever you want to eat/drink for entire
14-hour non-stop Festival) for entire Fest. Tickets just now
available @ earX-tacy records, The Monkey Wrench and online @ www.eTix.com This will be an international event / happening /
celebration featuring Hunter's widow Anita Thompson and some of the best
bands, musicians, singers, spoken word poets, authors,
outlaw troublemakers (especially Ron), visual artists, dancers with
snakes, speakers, sculptors, photographers, dragons, and filmmakers
including Scott Carney of Wax Fang, The Galoots, Anita Thompson, John
Yarmuth, The Fervor, The Workers, NY Mets Poet Laureate Frank Messina,
Gatewood Galbreith, Tyrone Cotton, Nerves Jr., The Commonwealth, Bad
Reeds, Russel Hulsey, Your News Vehicle, The Stiffs, Gnuma, Lotus Blake,
Brigid Kaelin, Jacklyn Marceau, Brett Eugene Ralph with Jamie
Daniels, Paul K with Jon Ashley, W. Loran Smith, Susi Wood, Captain
America Merry Prankster Ed McClanahan, John Gage, John Paul Wright, Kent
Fielding, Ninnie, real mean and dangerous but beautiful naked fire breathing
women (with handcuffs & whips), Eric Sutherland (Holler Poets), Marion
Dries & Laura Shine, ugliest man on the planet contest which
will be held round back (the winner will be tied to that sassafrass tree out
back), Six White Horses, Glasspack, Ray Rizzo & The Java Men, 23
String Band, Jak Son Renfro & Serpent Wisdom, Rani Bri Newman, Dean
McClain, wild monkeys (Ron's gonna let outta their zoo cages the night
before), Charlie Newman, J.B. Miller, Sarah Burkey, Kelly
Render Wilkinson, Outlaw Poet Ron Whitehead & Onward Pilgrim,
Johnny Sands, Justin Lewis, Angela Wood (& snake), The Ghost of
Rebekah Trigg, David Humphrey, Emily Caudill, Nanine Henderson, Angelina
Wedding, A, Ray, Danny O'Bryan, High Water Mark, William Sovern, Rob Z,
James Davis, Thomas A. Minor & The Picket Line, Dylan Browning Whitehead,
Gui Stuart, Nancy Wilson, Soul River Brown, Shelley Vaughn Hora, Matter
of Chance, Bradford Nathanial Whitehead, Divinity Rose, John
Hagan, Samantha The Hawk Hawkinson, Matthew Landen, the Performer List with times will be sent out
tomorrow. it's just too damn convoluted and i'm already crosseyed nearly
blind seeing having visions of terribly beautiful thangs. plus The Everything GONZO Art Show (curated by Andy
Cook) Official Opening Reception October 8th @ 6pm with works by Russel
Hulsey, Howard Wilson, Christopher Felver, Scott Shuffitt, Emil Walton,
Jeremy Dixon, Shelly Vaughn Hora, Paul Paletti, Erin Fitzgerald, Jamie Lynn
Smith, Elizabeth Windisch, Rebekah Trygg, Angela Wood, George Scott, Ragen
Daly, William Brandum, Wilfred Sieg III, Chase
Spring & Scott McCrory. many other participants to be announced plus
there will also be special unannounced surprise guests. Hunter
S. Thompson films and documentaries will be shown non-stop throughout
the festival. GONZOFEST produced
by Dennie Humphrey, owner of The Monkey Wrench & Outlaw Poet
Ron Whitehead with Associate Producers Tisha Dean (Beerhouse Distributors and
Flying Dog Ales), Scott Shuffitt (The Lebowski Festival), Joe Wendling, &
others to be announced. Kyle Meredith, 91.9fm www.wfpk.org WFPK Radio
Louisville Music Director and Outlaw Poet Ron Whitehead
will Host the event. Ron will also perform with his new band Onward
Pilgrim. Executive
Producer Holland Brown Books, www.hollandbrownbooks.com (publisher of
Ron's newest THE STORM GENERATION MANIFESTO and on parting, the wilderness
poems book(20th), cd(30th), dvd(1st, plus 4 new videos), @ The Green
Building. Festival Filmmakers and Photographers: George Parker
Jr. & KyGREENtv www.kygreen.tv & The
Louisville Film Society, Christian Hansen, Amanda Arnold, Ryan Armbrust,
Shelley Vaughn Hora, Jeremy Hogan, James O'Hayer & others to be
announced. thursday
October 14, 2010 Live in-store GONZO FESTIVAL performance @ earX-tacy records
Bardstown Road featuring many of the GONZO FESTIVAL performers plus
talk/reading/signing by Anita Thompson of ANCIENT GONZO WISDOM: Interviews
with Hunter S. Thompson and GONZO WAY: A Celebration of Dr. Hunter S.
Thompson. Performances talks by Anita Thompson (& signing), Dennie
Humphrey, Ron Whitehead, Russel Hulsey, Shelley Vaughn Hora, Justin
Lewis, Brigid Kaelin, Frank Messina, Tyrone Cotton, The Workers, Your News
Vehicles, and more. plus
earlier same day October 14, 2010 several GONZO performers producers
will appear on WFPK 91.9fm www.wfpk.org Radio Louisville with DJ hosts
Laura Shine and Marion Dries. plus be
watching for LEO Music Editor Matt Herron's feature interview with
Hunter's widow author Anita Thompson. plus.
announcements regarding other GONZO FESTIVAL related happenings to be
announced. updates will be sent out twice a week tween now & Festival. get
your tickets asap. they'll be gone in no time. plus pick up beautiful Keep
Louisville Gonzo t-shirts and bumper stickers at The Monkey Wrench now plus
at the Festival plus even more limited edition Gonzo (& related) posters,
t-shirts, bumper stickers, and pens will be available plus Gonzo tattoo
art plus remember the Hunter S. Thompson Lookalike Contest Award &
Presentation plus entire event will be filmed and photgraphed for one-hour
documentary and coffee table size book with text (to raise funds for next
year's festival). Sponsored
by: Dennie Humphrey's The Monkey Wrench, Beerhouse Distributors & Flying
Dog Ales (all Flying Dog Beers including event exclusives will be on tap),
Holland Brown Books, earX-tacy records, The Lebowski Festival, Old Town
Liquors, Heine Brothers Coffee, Guitar Emporium, Leatherhead, LEO, WFPK
91.9fm Radio Louisville, The Louisville Film Society, The City Cafe, The Tim
Faulkner Gallery, The Bodega, The Shady Lane Cafe, The Funeral Home
Recording Studio, Wild n Wooly Videos, Al Fresco Recording Studio, Published
in Heaven, The Global Literary Renaissance, The Moving Mystery Theatre, DiY
Do it Yourself Productions & more to be announced. any
other questions call God, phone 502 475 7772 July
2, 1960, From Bermuda 23 Years old: “If I could think of a way to do it right now, I’d
head back to Louisville sit on the porch drinking beer, drive around Cherokee
Park for a few nights, and try to sink back as far as I could into the world
that did its best to make me. It’s not hard to get tired of interminable
palms and Poinciana and I could do at the moment with a single elm tree on a
midnight street in the Highlands.” Hunter S.
Thompson “I
have long admired Ron Whitehead. He is as crazy as nine loons, and his poetry
is a dazzling mix of folk wisdom and pure mathematics.” Hunter
S. Thompson
"I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone,
but they've always worked for me." Hunter S. Thompson
outlaw can be defined as somebody who lives outside the law, not necessarily
against it. By the time I wrote HELL'S ANGELS I was riding with them and it
was clear that it was no longer possible for me to go back and live within
the law. There were a lot more outlaws than me. I was just a writer. I wasn't
trying to be an outlaw writer, I never heard of the term, somebody else made
it up. But we were all outside the law, Kerouac, Miller, Burroughs, Ginsber,
Kesey, me. I didn't have to gauge as to who was the worst outlaw. I just
recognized my allies, my people." Hunter S. Thompson "Who the fuck do you think wrote
THE BOOK OF REVELATIONS, a bunch of stone sober clerics?" Hunter S. Thompson
S. Thompson "Everybody is rolling over in an
age of cowardice, fear, greed. You can fight city hall, and you can beat the
system. People are getting afraid to try. I couldn't have told you what the
Fourth Amendment was until I got rolled over by that gang of white trash pig
D.A. investigators that came to my house. Refusing to plea bargain and
choosing to face a sixteen-year prison term in court until all charges were
dropped, it was as much fun as I ever had in my life. I think it's something
people should do and be able to do, just say Fuck You. You're the ones who
broke the law, you came into my house." Hunter S.
Thompson The
Dark and Bloody Ground Hunter Thompson’s Louisville! Gus Van Sant’s Louisville! Will Oldham’s Louisville! Ron Whitehead’s Louisville! Jim James’ Louisville! Sam Gilliam’s Louisville! Tim Krekel’s Louisville! Will Russell’s Louisville! Thaniel Ion Lee’s Louisville! Sean Garrison’s Louisville! Gill Holland’s Louisville! Jason Noble’s Louisville! Leslie Lyons’ Louisville! Thomas Merton’s Louisville! Harlan Hubbard’s Louisville! Hunter Thompson’s Louisville! Gus Van Sant’s Louisville! Will Oldham’s Louisville! Ron Whitehead’s Louisville! Jim James’ Louisville! Hunter Thompson’s Louisville! Hunter Thompson’s Louisville? Hunter Thompson’s Louisville!!!! Russel Hulsey, 2010 Keep Louisville Gonzo!
check out new Ron videos go to http://www.youtube.com/studio502sessions Ron
Whitehead, outlaw poet & damn proud of it give
me honesty freedom & liberty or give me death!!!! 502
475 7772 plus
facebook & facebook fan club Copies of the Ron's new book (20th)/cd
(30th)/dvd (1st), THE STORM GENERATION MANIFESTO and on parting, the
wilderness poems, are available at the author’s shows, and at P R E S S I N Q U I R I E S , P L
E A S E C O N T A C T : S t e p h a n i e B r o t h e r s
5 0 2 . 5 6 1 . 1 1 6 2 s t e p h a n i e @t h e g r e e
n b u i l d i n g . c o m if
you're interested in Ron Whitehead, and/or his new band, Outlaw Poet Ron
Whitehead & his Viking Hillbilly God's Open Nerve Storm Generation
Allstar Band, appearing/performing/reading/giving
talks/presentations at your
college/university/school/museum/festival/club, anywhere round the
world, contact Ron
Whitehead, cell 502 475 7772 or email ron@tappingmyownphone.com keep
Louisville (& the world & all intergalactic & interdimensional
space) Gonzo (& weird)!!!!!!!!!
1st ever International GONZO 1st ever
International GONZO FESTIVAL celebrating the life & work of Louisville
Kentucky's native son Dr. Hunter Stockton Shaman Thompson saturday
october 16, 2010 noon to 2 or 3 or 4am @ the
new International GONZO Hangoutology Headquarters The
Monkey Wrench, 1025 Barrett Avenue, Louisville Kentucky 40204 usa phone
502 583 2473, www.monkeywrench.net Ron
Whitehead, outlaw poet & damn proud of it!!!! 502
475 7772 plus
facebook & facebook fan club Copies of the Ron's new book
(20th)/cd (30th)/dvd (1st), THE STORM GENERATION MANIFESTO and on parting,
the wilderness poems, are available at the author’s shows, and at
R E S S I N Q U I R I E S , P L E A S E C O N T A C T : S
t e p h a n i e B r o t h e r s 5 0 2 . 5 6 1 . 1 1 6 2 s
t e p h a n i e @t h e g r e e n b u i l d i n g . c o m if
you're interested in Ron Whitehead, and/or his new band, Outlaw Poet Ron
Whitehead & Onward Pilgrim, appearing/performing/reading/giving
talks/presentations at your
college/university/school/museum/festival/club, anywhere round the world, contact Ron
Whitehead, cell 502 475 7772 or email ron@tappingmyownphone.com keep
Louisville (& the world & all intergalactic & interdimensional
space) GONZO!!!!!!!!! |
1st ever
International GONZO FESTIVAL celebrating the life & work of Louisville
Kentucky's native son Dr. Hunter Stockton Shaman Thompson saturday
october 16, 2010 noon to 2 or 3 or 4am @ the
new International GONZO Hangoutology Headquarters The
Monkey Wrench, 1025 Barrett Avenue, Louisville Kentucky 40204 usa phone
502 583 2473, www.monkeywrench.net Ron
Whitehead, outlaw poet & damn proud of it!!!! 502
475 7772 plus
facebook & facebook fan club Copies of the Ron's new book (20th)/cd (30th)/dvd (1st), THE STORM
GENERATION MANIFESTO and on parting, the wilderness poems, are available
at the author’s shows, and at P R E S S I N Q U I R I E S , P L E A
S E C O N T A C T : S t e p h a n i e B r o t h e r s 5 0
2 . 5 6 1 . 1 1 6 2 s t e p h a n i e @t h e g r e e n b u
i l d i n g . c o m if
you're interested in Ron Whitehead, and/or his new band, Outlaw Poet Ron
Whitehead & Onward Pilgrim, appearing/performing/reading/giving
talks/presentations at your
college/university/school/museum/festival/club, anywhere round the
world, contact Ron
Whitehead, cell 502 475 7772 or email ron@tappingmyownphone.com keep
Louisville (& the world & all intergalactic & interdimensional
space) GONZO!!!!!!!!! 1st ever
International GONZO FESTIVAL celebrating the life & work of Louisville
Kentucky's native son Dr. Hunter Stockton Shaman Thompson saturday
october 16, 2010 noon to 2 or 3 or 4am @ the
new International GONZO Hangoutology Headquarters The
Monkey Wrench, 1025 Barrett Avenue, Louisville Kentucky 40204 usa phone
502 583 2473, www.monkeywrench.net Ron
Whitehead, outlaw poet & damn proud of it!!!! 502
475 7772 plus
facebook & facebook fan club Copies of the Ron's new book (20th)/cd (30th)/dvd (1st), THE STORM
GENERATION MANIFESTO and on parting, the wilderness poems, are available
at the author’s shows, and at P R E S S I N Q U I R I E S , P L E A
S E C O N T A C T : S t e p h a n i e B r o t h e r s 5 0
2 . 5 6 1 . 1 1 6 2 s t e p h a n i e @t h e g r e e n b u
i l d i n g . c o m if
you're interested in Ron Whitehead, and/or his new band, Outlaw Poet Ron
Whitehead & Onward Pilgrim, appearing/performing/reading/giving
talks/presentations at your
college/university/school/museum/festival/club, anywhere round the
world, contact Ron
Whitehead, cell 502 475 7772 or email ron@tappingmyownphone.com keep
Louisville (& the world & all intergalactic & interdimensional
space) GONZO!!!!!!!!! |
Hey Ron, 1st ever
International GONZO FESTIVAL celebrating the life & work of Louisville
Kentucky's native son Dr. Hunter Stockton Shaman Thompson saturday
october 16, 2010 noon to 2 or 3 or 4am @ the
new International GONZO Hangoutology Headquarters The
Monkey Wrench, 1025 Barrett Avenue, Louisville Kentucky 40204 usa phone
502 583 2473, www.monkeywrench.net Ron
Whitehead, outlaw poet & damn proud of it!!!! 502
475 7772 plus
facebook & facebook fan club Copies of the Ron's new book (20th)/cd (30th)/dvd (1st), THE STORM
GENERATION MANIFESTO and on parting, the wilderness poems, are available
at the author’s shows, and at P R E S S I N Q U I R I E S , P L E A
S E C O N T A C T : S t e p h a n i e B r o t h e r s 5 0
2 . 5 6 1 . 1 1 6 2 s t e p h a n i e @t h e g r e e n b u
i l d i n g . c o m if
you're interested in Ron Whitehead, and/or his new band, Outlaw Poet Ron
Whitehead & Onward Pilgrim, appearing/performing/reading/giving
talks/presentations at your
college/university/school/museum/festival/club, anywhere round the
world, contact Ron
Whitehead, cell 502 475 7772 or email ron@tappingmyownphone.com keep
Louisville (& the world & all intergalactic & interdimensional
space) GONZO!!!!!!!!! |
K, The Godfather of Rock (Detroit/NYC/Kentucky): "Ron
Whitehead is America's greatest living poet." "love
is the ultimate outlaw" from Tom Tobbins' STILL LIFE WITH WOODPECKER. John
(New York City): "Ron Whitehead is the comet crashing outlaw shaman
lunatic poet who keeps us all together!" Thanks, Ron! Olafur
(Iceland): "Ron Whitehead's newest book/cd/dvd, THE STORM
GENERATION MANIFESTO and on parting, the wilderness poems, is by
far his finest work...and anyone who contradicts that is a damn
fool...if such a fool exists. The Storm Generation
has truly been born!" Copies of the Ron's new book (20th)/cd
(30th)/dvd (1st), THE STORM GENERATION MANIFESTO and on parting, the
wilderness poems, are available at the author’s shows, and at Gill Scott
Holland's The Green Building/Holland Brown Books www.hollandbrownbooks.com if
you're interested in booking Outlaw Poet Ron Whitehead & Onward
Pilgrim with violinist Emily Caudill to perform read speak practice
hangoutology at your college university school museum festival club ashram
bordello funeral or anything else anywhere round the world contact Ron
Whitehead, cell 502 475 7772 or email ron@tappingmyownphone.com keep
Louisville (& the world & all intergalactic & interdimensional
space) GONZO!!!!!!!!! Paul
K, The Godfather of Rock (Detroit/NYC/Kentucky): "Ron
Whitehead is America's greatest living poet." "love
is the ultimate outlaw" from Tom Tobbins' STILL LIFE WITH WOODPECKER. John
(New York City): "Ron Whitehead is the comet crashing outlaw shaman
lunatic poet who keeps us all together!" Thanks, Ron! Olafur
(Iceland): "Ron Whitehead's newest book/cd/dvd, THE STORM
GENERATION MANIFESTO and on parting, the wilderness poems, is by
far his finest work...and anyone who contradicts that is a damn
fool...if such a fool exists. The Storm Generation
has truly been born!" Copies of the Ron's new book (20th)/cd
(30th)/dvd (1st), THE STORM GENERATION MANIFESTO and on parting, the
wilderness poems, are available at the author’s shows, and at Gill Scott
Holland's The Green Building/Holland Brown Books www.hollandbrownbooks.com if
you're interested in booking Outlaw Poet Ron Whitehead & Onward
Pilgrim with violinist Emily Caudill to perform read speak practice hangoutology
at your college university school museum festival club ashram bordello
funeral or anything else anywhere round the world contact Ron
Whitehead, cell 502 475 7772 or email ron@tappingmyownphone.com keep
Louisville (& the world & all intergalactic & interdimensional
space) GONZO!!!!!!!!! |
Release for 3 pre-GONZO FESTIVAL shows: 1st show:
thorsday 10/14/10 earX-tacy records instore concert 6 to 8pm
no cover 6 to
6:10pm = Dennie Humphrey, Kyle Meredith, Joe Wendling, Ron Whitehead welcome
thanks intro to 1st ever International GONZO FESTIVAL pre-Gonzo heatitup
blowitup show: 6:10 to
6:20pm = Anita Thompson (Hunter's widow & GONZO FESTIVAL's Featured Guest talks
reads from her two books: Ancient Gonzo Wisdom: Interviews With Hunter S.
Thompson & Gonzo Way, A Celebration of Dr. Hunter S. Thompson (then she
signs books @ earX-tacy records signing table 6:20 to
6:30pm = Russel Hulsey & Shelley Vaughn Hora & Outlaw Poet Ron
Whitehead read new Keep Louisville Gonzo works then Ron joins Anita @ book
signing table signing his new Gill Scott Holland/Holland Brown Books THE
STORM GENERATION MANIFESTO and on parting, the wilderness poems book/cd/dvd 6:30 to
6:40pm = Justin Lewis 6:40 ro 6:50pm = Alanna Fugate
7 to 8pm
= Nerves Jr. 2nd show:
friday 10/15/10 The Monkey Wrench 6 to 8pm
$10 cover (gets you in to both this show & the 9pm to 1am Monkey Wrench 6 to
6:05pm Dennie Humphrey & Ron Whitehead welcome intro 6:05 to
6:20pm Anita Thompson reads from her two books on Hunter then signs copies @
signing table 6:20 to
6:30pm Vanessa Blakeslee (Florida poet/author) 6:30 to
6:50pm New York Mets Poet Frank Messina performs (with musicians?) then joins
Anita & Ron @ book/cd signing table 6:55 to
7:15pm Tyrone Cotton 7:25 to
8pm Gnuma 3rd &
final pre-Gonzo show (before the next day's big Festival) @ The Monkey Wrench 9pm to
1am $10 cover also covers earlier 6 to 8pm show 9 to
9:15pm Anita Thompson 9:20 to
9:30 Vanessa Blakeslee (Florida poet/author/Hunter fan) 9:35 to
10:05 Tyrone Cotton 10:10 to
10:15 Ron reads "Searching For Frank Messina" by way of introducing 10:15 to
10:35 New York Mets Poet Frank Messina 10:35 to
10:50 Outlaw Poet Ron Whitehead with musical accompaniment 11 to
11:30 Gnuma 11:45 to
1am Nerves Jr.
K, The Godfather of Rock (Detroit/NYC/Kentucky): "Ron
Whitehead is America's greatest living poet." "love
is the ultimate outlaw" from Tom Tobbins' STILL LIFE WITH WOODPECKER. John
(New York City): "Ron Whitehead is the comet crashing outlaw shaman
lunatic poet who keeps us all together!" Thanks, Ron! Olafur
(Iceland): "Ron Whitehead's newest book/cd/dvd, THE STORM
GENERATION MANIFESTO and on parting, the wilderness poems, is by
far his finest work...and anyone who contradicts that is a damn
fool...if such a fool exists. The Storm Generation
has truly been born!" Copies of the Ron's new book
(20th)/cd (30th)/dvd (1st), THE STORM GENERATION MANIFESTO and on parting,
the wilderness poems, are available at the author’s shows, and at Gill
Scott Holland's The Green Building/Holland Brown Books www.hollandbrownbooks.com if
you're interested in booking Outlaw Poet Ron Whitehead & Onward
Pilgrim with violinist Emily Caudill to perform read speak practice
hangoutology at your college university school museum festival club ashram
bordello funeral or anything else anywhere round the world contact Ron
Whitehead, cell 502 475 7772 or email ron@tappingmyownphone.com keep
Louisville (& the world & all intergalactic & interdimensional
space) GONZO!!!!!!!!! Paul
K, The Godfather of Rock (Detroit/NYC/Kentucky): "Ron
Whitehead is America's greatest living poet." "love
is the ultimate outlaw" from Tom Tobbins' STILL LIFE WITH WOODPECKER. John
(New York City): "Ron Whitehead is the comet crashing outlaw shaman
lunatic poet who keeps us all together!" Thanks, Ron! Olafur
(Iceland): "Ron Whitehead's newest book/cd/dvd, THE STORM
GENERATION MANIFESTO and on parting, the wilderness poems, is by
far his finest work...and anyone who contradicts that is a damn
fool...if such a fool exists. The Storm Generation
has truly been born!" Copies of the Ron's new book
(20th)/cd (30th)/dvd (1st), THE STORM GENERATION MANIFESTO and on parting,
the wilderness poems, are available at the author’s shows, and at Gill
Scott Holland's The Green Building/Holland Brown Books www.hollandbrownbooks.com if
you're interested in booking Outlaw Poet Ron Whitehead & Onward
Pilgrim with violinist Emily Caudill to perform read speak practice
hangoutology at your college university school museum festival club ashram
bordello funeral or anything else anywhere round the world contact Ron
Whitehead, cell 502 475 7772 or email ron@tappingmyownphone.com keep
Louisville (& the world & all intergalactic & interdimensional
space) GONZO!!!!!!!!! |
OVER IT." Dr. Hunter S. Thompson Announcing
the 1st
ever International Annual GONZO FESTIVAL, including Performer
List/Times, all paying tribute to and honoring the life, work and legacy
of one of the greatest most fearless writers of all time, Louisville
Kentucky’s own native son Dr. Hunter S. Thompson. 1st ever International GONZO FESTIVAL!!!!!!! Saturday October 16, 2010 from Noon till 2AM at
Dennie Humphrey's The Monkey Wrench. THANK YOU DENNIE & SAUNDRA & JOE
HAPPEN!!!!! i'm so beyond grateful thankful that it brings this badass
smartass, yes me, to my knees in a river of thank you tears!!!!!!!!
nobody knows what i've been through working my ass off hoping praying for
years that this would finally happen & happen in my lifetime. I'm
determined to live at least through the end of this 1st ever International
GONZO FESTIVAL (oh. shite. & plus i've got to hold on at least till after
the 1st ever International STORM GENERATION FESTIVAL i'm co-producing in
Iceland June 2011. then if i make it thru that i'm gonna climb The Viking
Mountain for 2nd and final time searching out a cave where i'll disappear to
living my days out with wolves).I THANK ALL OF YOU WITH EVERY DROP OF BLOOD
IN MY ENLARGED HEART!!!!!!!!!!!! July
2, 1960, From Bermuda 23 Years old: If I
could think of a way to do it right now, I’d head back to Louisville sit on
the porch drinking beer, drive around Cherokee Park for a few nights, and try
to sink back as far as I could into the world that did its best to make me.
It’s not hard to get tired of interminable palms and Poinciana and I could do
at the moment with a single elm tree on a midnight street in the Highlands.”
Hunter S. Thompson this first ever, then annual, International
GONZO FESTIVAL launches Dennie Humphrey's The Monkey Wrench as International
Gonzo Hangoutology Monkey Wrench Gang Headquarters Park. giant Hunter mural
(by Carol McLeod, Andy Cook, Evan Leibowitz, & Alexander King will be
unveiled as part of the Festival which will birth International Gonzo
Hangoutology Headquarters Monkey Wrench Park. next year life size bronze
statue (already commissioned) of Hunter standing, with typewriter in
left hand/arm & right arm raised with clenched GONZO dagger/peyote button
fist, will be unveiled plus billboard with KEEP THE HIGHLANDS GONZO
emblazoned on it plus couple park benches plus inside The Monkey Wrench
perpetually increasing numbers of displayed Hunter memorabilia. The Monkey Wrench, 1025 Barrett Avenue, Louisville
KY 40204 Phone (502) 582-2433, http://www.facebook.com/home.php7n1/group.php?gil=120003034721497 Tickets, now on sale, for the Rain or Shine
event are $12.00 in advance for General Admission or $15.00 day of the event
for the entire show (no Guest Passes for anyone including producers). VIP
ALL Access (only 100 of these tickets available & only @ The Monkey
Wrench) $75.00 includes complimentary Food and Beverage, whatever you
want to eat/drink (20 drink tickets) for entire 14-hour
non-stop Festival. Tickets just now available, & going fast, @
earX-tacy records, The Monkey Wrench and online @ www.eTix.com
This is an
international event / happening / celebration of Louisville (The Highlands)
Kentucky native son featuring Hunter's widow Anita Thompson (author of two
brilliant books on Hunter which she'll be reading from &
signing) and some of the best bands, musicians, singers, spoken word
poets, authors, outlaw troublemakers (especially Ron), visual artists,
dancers with snakes, speakers, sculptors, photographers, and filmmakers
including Scott Carney of Wax Fang, The Galoots with Shannon Lawson &
Steve Cooley, The Fervor, The Workers, NY Mets Poet Laureate Frank Messina,
Florida poet/author Vanessa Blakeslee, Tyrone Cotton, Shelby McDowell &
The Stiffs, Alanna Fugate, Nerves Jr., Six White Horses, The Commonwealth, Paul
K, Russel Hulsey, Shelly Vaughn Hora, Your News Vehicles, Angela Wedding,
Gnuma, John Gage, John Paul Wright, Johnny Sands, Lotus Blake, Matter of
Chance, Nancy Bruner Wilson, High Water Mark, Brigid Kaelin, Jacklyn Marceau,
Brett Eugene Ralph with Jamie Daniels, W. Loran Smith, Susi Wood,
Captain America Merry Prankster Ed McClanahan, John Gage, Angela Wood (with
snake), The Dancing Ghost of Rebekah Trygg, The Bad Reeds, John Paul Wright,
Ninnie, Eric Sutherland (Holler Poets), John Siegel, Marion Dries, Mark
Bacon, J. B. Wilson, 23 String Band, Jak Son Renfro & Serpent Wisdom
with Special Guests, Dean McClain, J.B. Miller, Kelly Render Wilkinson,
Justin Lewis, Angela Cougar Express, Nanine Henderson, Aviv
Nasmani, Ray Redman, Danny O'Bryan, High Water Mark, William Sovern, Rob
Z, James Davis, Dylan Browning Whitehead, Gui Stuart, Shelley Vaughn Hora,
Divinity Rose, Brian Patrick Hall, William Sovern, James Davis, Rob
Z, John Hagan, Samantha The Hawk Hawkinson, Matthew Landan, Outlaw
Poet Ron Whitehead & Onward Pilgrim with violinist Emily Caudill
& fiddler David Humphrey plus Special Surprise Guests. PERFORMER
LIST/TIMES/STAGES (inside/outside/VIP balcomy: Outside
stage 12-12:10
Ron welcomes everyone
Alanna Fugate sings one Gonzo song 12:20-12:30
Russel Hulsey reads "Dark and Bloody Ground" & one more poem 12:30-12:40
Russel Hulsey reads "In The Waste Land" simultaneous with Shelley
Vaughn Hora & Outlaw Poet Ron Whitehead reading "Kentucky
Reclamation" which is all bout Louisville reclaiming honoring
celebrating native son Dr. Hunter S. Shaman Gonzo Thompson accompanied by
Ninnie on acoustic instrument from Arctus at end of which Ninnie sings
"How Many Roads Must A Woman Walk Down" 12:45-12:50
Angela Wedding sings one song 12:50-12:55
J.B. Wilson reads one Gonzo poem 1-1:15
John Siegal sings 3 songs 1:25-1:45
Paul K & Band Inside
Stage 1:45-2pm
Matter of Chance 2 or 3 songs 2-2:10
Jacklyn Marceau reads 2 poems 2:10-2:25
Brett Eugene Ralph with Jamie Daniels Outside
Stage 2:25-2:35
Justin Lewis 2:35-2:50
Captain America Merry Prankster Ed McClanahan 2:50-3:05
The Bad Seeds Inside
Stage 3:05-3:15
Johnny Sands sings 2 songs 3:20-3:30
Marion Dries sings 2 songs 3:35-3:45
J.B. Miller sings 2 songs 3:55-4:05 Kelly
Render Wilkinson sings 2 songs Outside
Stage 4:05-4:15
W. Loran Smith reads 3 poems 4:15-4:20
Official Opening Ceremony: Kelly Render Wilkinson sings Mr. Tambourine Man 4:20-4:25
Mark Bacon reads brief passage from THE BOOK OF REVELATIONS 4:25-4:30
Ron reads "What World Have We Born Ourselves Into?"
accompanied by David Humphrey on fiddle 4:30-4:40
Dennie Humphrey, Kyle Meredith, Joe Wendling, Outlaw Poet Ron Whitehead
Huge Welcome Thank You to Everyone, seen & unseen, including Hunter
who has already excitedly arrived chompin @ the bit for the show to get
started. plus Special Presentation of The Keys to The City of
Louisville, which Ron will present on behalf of Mayor Jerry
Abramson, with Declaration of October 16, 2010 being named Anita Thompson Day
honoring her and the life & work of her husband one of the greatest
most fearless visionary writers of alltime Louisville native
son Dr. Hunter S. Thompson (plus other surprises to be presented). 4:40-4:55
Ron accapella sings "Amazing Grace," accompanied by acoustic
musicians Dr. Nanine Henderson, Aviv Nasmani, Ray Redman & Ninnie, while
also weaving his Dr. Hunter Shaman Thompson is Dead Tribute & 13 Ways for
Louisville to honor their/our native son Hunter S. Thompson the 1st of which
is finally happening via this event Thanking Dennie Humphrey & Joe
Wendling & The Monkey Wrench & everyone involved in this global
historical happening.
Anita Thompson 5:15-5:30
Susi Wood sings 2 songs then leads the audience in singing (we'll have copies
for everybody) one of Hunter's one of my one of so many folks favorite songs
(which Hunter kept Susi's rendition on his voice machine for months after
Hunter Tribute i produced = we ended the 4-hour celebration with Johnny Depp
on slide guitar, David Amram playing penny whistle & conducting/leading
2,000+SRO audience, Warren Zevon on piano, Susi singing, accompanied by Jimmy
Brown & Steve Cooley & & (help me out here), & Hunter &
Roxanne Pulitzer & Douglas Brinkley & Harvey Sloane & The Sheriff
of Pitking County & Hunter's son Juan & numberous others all on stage
entire audience standing singing "My Old Kentucky Home" & as
Susi leads us all in singing one of our favorites the banner will be lowered
and the giant beautiful brilliant asskicking amazing full wall mural of
Hunter will be unveiled fully launching Dennie Humphrey's The Monkey Wrench
as International Gonzo Monkey Wrench Gang Hangoutology Headquarters. Inside
Stage 5:35-5-45
Brigid Kaelin sings 2 songs 5:50-6:10
Jak Son Renfro & Serpent Wisdom with Special Guests 6:10-6:15
Samantha The Hawk Hawkinson one poem 6:16-6:25
John Gage 6:25-6:35
William Sovern Outside
Stage 6:35-6:50
Cougar Express 6:50-6:55
Eric Sutherland one poem 6:55-7
Divinity Rose one poem
Dean McClain reads one poem "Shotgun Full of Jesus" 7:05-7:20
Lotus Blake 7:20-7:30
Rob Z 7:30-7:35
Brian Patrick Hall 7:35-7:50
The Commonwealth 7:50-7:55
Vanessa Blakeslee one poem 7:55-8:15
New York Mets Poet Frank Messina Inside
Stage 8:15-8:25
James Davis two songs
Nancy Bruner Wilson one poem "Steve Tomes" 8:30-8:35
High Water Mark one song 8:35-8:40
Dylan Browning Whitehead one poem Outside
Stage 8:40-9
Nerves Jr. 9-9:05
Gui Stuart one poem 9:05-9:10
John Hagan one poem 9:10-9:15
Danny O'Bryan one poem
The Workers 10:05-10:15
John Paul Wright two songs 10:15-10:20
J.B. Wilson one poem 10:20-10:40
The Fervor 10:40-10:45
Matthew Landan one piece 10:45-10:50
Outlaw Poet Ron Whitehead two poems accompanied by violinist Emily Caudill 10:50-11:15
Scott Carney Inside
Stage 11:15-11:30
Six White Horses 11:30-11:35
Russel Hulsey/Shelley Vaught Hora/Outlaw Poet Ron Whitehead reading
simultaneously "In The Waste Land" & "Kentucky
Reclamation" 11:35-11:40
Outlaw Poet Ron Whitehead reads "The Last Great Truthtellers, for Dr.
Hunter S. Thompson & Paul K" accompanied by Ninnie on Arcturian
instrument 11:40-12:30
The Galoots with Shannon Lawson & Steve Cooley 12:30-12:35
Outlaw Poet Ron Whitehead reads "I Refuse" 12:40-1
Your News Vehicles 1-1:05
Russel Hulsey reads Wendell Berry's "Manifesto: The Mad Farmer
Liberation Front 1:05-1:10
Ron Whitehead reads His Holiness The Dalai Lama & Ron Whitehead's
"Never Give Up 1:10-1:25
Gnuma 1:25-1:30
New York Mets Poet Frank Messina reads two poems 1:30-1:50
Tyrone Cotton 1:50-2
Outlaw Poet Ron Whitehead closes the 1st ever International GONZO FESTIVAL by
reading "The Kentucky Derby is Decadent & Depraved"
The Everything GONZO Art Show (curated by Andy
Cook) will be on display throughout the Festival. Hunter
S. Thompson films and documentaries will be shown non-stop throughout
the festival. GONZOFEST
produced by Dennie Humphrey, owner of The Monkey Wrench
& Outlaw Poet Ron Whitehead with Associate Producers Tisha Dean
(Beerhouse Distributors and Flying Dog Ales), Scott Shuffitt (The Lebowski
Festival), Joe Wendling, & others to be announced. Kyle Meredith,
91.9fm www.wfpk.org WFPK Radio
Louisville Music Director and Outlaw Poet Ron Whitehead
will Host the event. . Executive Producer Gill
Scott Holland's Holland Brown Books, www.hollandbrownbooks.com (publisher of
Ron's newest THE STORM GENERATION MANIFESTO and on parting, the wilderness
poems book(20th), cd(30th), dvd(1st, plus 4 new videos), @ The Green
Building. Festival
Filmmakers and Photographers: George Parker Jr. & KyGREENtv www.kygreen.tv & The Louisville Film Society, Christian
Hansen, Amanda Arnold, Ryan Armbrust, Shelley Vaughn Hora, Jeremy Hogan,
James O'HayerEhren Smith & others to be announced.
. get
your tickets asap. they'll be gone in no time. plus pick up beautiful Keep
Louisville Gonzo t-shirts and bumper stickers (i.e. WHAT WOULD HUNTER DO?
& many more) available at the Festival plus even more limited
edition Gonzo (& related) posters, t-shirts, bumper stickers
will be available plus plus entire event will be filmed and photgraphed for
one-hour documentary and coffee table size book with text (to raise funds for
next year's festival). Sponsored
by: Dennie Humphrey's The Monkey Wrench, Beerhouse Distributors & Flying
Dog Ales (all Flying Dog Beers including event exclusives will be on tap),
Holland Brown Books, earX-tacy records, The Green Building & Holland
Brown Books, The Lebowski Festival, Old Town Liquors, Heine Brothers
Coffee, Guitar Emporium, The Bristol Bar & Grille, The Brown Hotel,
the lounge, Leatherhead, LEO, WFPK 91.9fm Radio Louisville, KyGreenTV &
The Louisville Film Society, The City Cafe, The Tim Faulkner Gallery, The
Bodega, The Shady Lane Cafe, 2nd Story Books, The Funeral Home Recording
Studio, Wild n Wooly Videos, Al Fresco Recording Studio, Grateful Threads,
Published in Heaven, The Global Literary Renaissance, The Moving Mystery
Theatre, DiY Do it Yourself Productions & more to be announced. "I
have long admired Ron Whitehead. He is crazy
as nine loons, and his poetry is a dazzling mix of folk wisdom and pure
mathematics.” Hunter S. Thompson
"I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone,
but they've always worked for me." Hunter S. Thompson
outlaw can be defined as somebody who lives outside the law, not necessarily
against it. By the time I wrote HELL'S ANGELS I was riding with them and it
was clear that it was no longer possible for me to go back and live within
the law. There were a lot more outlaws than me. I was just a writer. I wasn't
trying to be an outlaw writer, I never heard of the term, somebody else made
it up. But we were all outside the law, Kerouac, Miller, Burroughs, Ginsber,
Kesey, me. I didn't have to gauge as to who was the worst outlaw. I just
recognized my allies, my people." Hunter S. Thompson
S. Thompson "Everybody is rolling over in an
age of cowardice, fear, greed. You can fight city hall, and you can beat the
system. People are getting afraid to try. I couldn't have told you what the
Fourth Amendment was until I got rolled over by that gang of white trash pig
D.A. investigators that came to my house. Refusing to plea bargain and
choosing to face a sixteen-year prison term in court until all charges were
dropped, it was as much fun as I ever had in my life. I think it's something
people should do and be able to do, just say Fuck You. You're the ones who
broke the law, you came into my house." Hunter S.
Thompson The
Dark and Bloody Ground Hunter
Thompson’s Louisville! Gus
Van Sant’s Louisville! Will Oldham’s
Louisville! Ron Whitehead’s
Louisville! Jim
James’ Louisville! Sam
Gilliam’s Louisville! Tim
Krekel’s Louisville! Will
Russell’s Louisville! Thaniel
Ion Lee’s Louisville! Sean
Garrison’s Louisville! Gill
Holland’s Louisville! Jason
Noble’s Louisville! Leslie
Lyons’ Louisville! Thomas
Merton’s Louisville! Harlan
Hubbard’s Louisville! Hunter
Thompson’s Louisville! Gus
Van Sant’s Louisville! Will Oldham’s
Louisville! Ron Whitehead’s
Louisville! Jim
James’ Louisville! Hunter
Thompson’s Louisville! Hunter
Thompson’s Louisville? Hunter
Thompson’s Louisville!!!! Russel Hulsey, 2010 Keep Louisville
K, The Godfather of Rock (Detroit/NYC/Kentucky): "Ron
Whitehead is America's greatest living poet." "love
is the ultimate outlaw" from Tom Tobbins' STILL LIFE WITH WOODPECKER. John
(New York City): "Ron Whitehead is the comet crashing outlaw shaman
lunatic poet who keeps us all together!" Thanks, Ron! Olafur
(Iceland): "Ron Whitehead's newest book/cd/dvd, THE STORM
GENERATION MANIFESTO and on parting, the wilderness poems, is by
far his finest work...and anyone who contradicts that is a damn
fool...if such a fool exists. The Storm Generation
has truly been born!" Copies of the Ron's new book (20th)/cd
(30th)/dvd (1st), THE STORM GENERATION MANIFESTO and on parting, the
wilderness poems, are available at the author’s shows, and at Gill Scott
Holland's The Green Building/Holland Brown Books www.hollandbrownbooks.com if
you're interested in booking Outlaw Poet Ron Whitehead & Onward Pilgrim
with violinist Emily Caudill to perform read speak practice hangoutology at
your college university school museum festival club ashram bordello funeral
or anything else anywhere round the world contact Ron
Whitehead, cell 502 475 7772 or email ron@tappingmyownphone.com keep
Louisville (& the world & all intergalactic & interdimensional
space) GONZO!!!!!!!!! Paul
K, The Godfather of Rock (Detroit/NYC/Kentucky): "Ron
Whitehead is America's greatest living poet." "love
is the ultimate outlaw" from Tom Tobbins' STILL LIFE WITH WOODPECKER. John
(New York City): "Ron Whitehead is the comet crashing outlaw shaman
lunatic poet who keeps us all together!" Thanks, Ron! Olafur
(Iceland): "Ron Whitehead's newest book/cd/dvd, THE STORM
GENERATION MANIFESTO and on parting, the wilderness poems, is by
far his finest work...and anyone who contradicts that is a damn
fool...if such a fool exists. The Storm Generation
has truly been born!" Copies of the Ron's new book (20th)/cd
(30th)/dvd (1st), THE STORM GENERATION MANIFESTO and on parting, the
wilderness poems, are available at the author’s shows, and at Gill Scott
Holland's The Green Building/Holland Brown Books www.hollandbrownbooks.com if
you're interested in booking Outlaw Poet Ron Whitehead & Onward
Pilgrim with violinist Emily Caudill to perform read speak practice
hangoutology at your college university school museum festival club ashram
bordello funeral or anything else anywhere round the world contact Ron
Whitehead, cell 502 475 7772 or email ron@tappingmyownphone.com keep
Louisville (& the world & all intergalactic & interdimensional
space) GONZO!!!!!!!!! |
K, The Godfather of Rock (Detroit/NYC/Kentucky): "Ron
Whitehead is America's greatest living poet." "love
is the ultimate outlaw" from Tom Tobbins' STILL LIFE WITH WOODPECKER. John
(New York City): "Ron Whitehead is the comet crashing outlaw shaman
lunatic poet who keeps us all together!" Thanks, Ron! Olafur
(Iceland): "Ron Whitehead's newest book/cd/dvd, THE STORM
GENERATION MANIFESTO and on parting, the wilderness poems, is by
far his finest work...and anyone who contradicts that is a damn
fool...if such a fool exists. The Storm Generation
has truly been born!" Copies of the Ron's new book
(20th)/cd (30th)/dvd (1st), THE STORM GENERATION MANIFESTO and on parting,
the wilderness poems, are available at the author’s shows, and at Gill
Scott Holland's The Green Building/Holland Brown Books www.hollandbrownbooks.com if
you're interested in booking Outlaw Poet Ron Whitehead & Onward
Pilgrim with violinist Emily Caudill to perform read speak practice
hangoutology at your college university school museum festival club ashram
bordello funeral or anything else anywhere round the world contact Ron
Whitehead, cell 502 475 7772 or email ron@tappingmyownphone.com keep
Louisville (& the world & all intergalactic & interdimensional
space) GONZO!!!!!!!!! |
Whitehead is poet, writer, editor, publisher, organizer, scholar, professor.
He grew up on a farm in Kentucky. He attended The University of Louisville
and Oxford University. As poet and writer he is the recipient of numerous
state, national, and international awards/prizes including The All Kentucky
Poetry Prize and The Yeats Club of Oxford's Prize for Poetry. He was
nominated, twice for The Pulitzer Prize. In 2006 Dr. John Rocco (NYC)
nominated Ron for The Nobel Prize in Literature. He was recently inducted
into his high school's (Ohio County High) Hall of Fame, representing his 1968
graduating class. Ron taught college/university for twenty years
at The University of Louisville, Spalding University, St. Catherine College,
Jefferson Community College, and Bellarmine University. He has presented
numerous talks, lectures, and writing workshops around the world at colleges,
universities, and institutions which include Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland),
The University of Iceland (Reykjavik, Iceland), The University of Braga
(Braga, Portugal), The University of Nijmegen (Nijmegen, The Netherlands),
New York University (New York City, New York), Hofstra University (Long
Island, New York), University of Louisville (Louisville, Kentucky),
University of New Orleans (New Orleans, Louisiana), and many more. In 1992 Ron and Kent Fielding founded The Global Literary
Renaissance, a non-profit organization,
supporting the global literary community. Ron was Director of the Global
Literary Renaissance for 14 years. Ron has produced over 3,000 music and poetry
events throughout Europe and the USA including many 24, 48, 72 & 90 hour
Non-Stop Music & Poetry INSOMNIACATHONs
plus he produced The Official Hunter S. Thompson Tribute (featuring Hunter,
Johnny Depp, Warren Zevon, The Sheriff of Pitking County, Roxanne Pulitzer,
David Amram, Hunter's mother, Virginia, & son, Juan, Harvey Sloane, Annie
Wedekind, Susi Wood & bluegrass band & many others), the London
International Poetry & Song Festival (with Richard Deakin), The New York
City Underground Music & Poetry Festival (with Casey Cyr & David
Amram & Steve Dalachinsky & Nora Roberts/17 venues/4 days/nights),
The Netherland's 10-day International Meer Dan Woorden Festival (with Jan
Pankow), LIVE at THE RUD Benefit Concert (with Jim James & Carl Broemmel of
My Morning Jacket, and Sarah Elizabeth and Andy Cook), plus many many
more. After he produced INSOMNIACATHON 2008 (April 2008) he retired
from producing events but on 10/16/10 produced The 1st ever International
GONZO FESTIVAL @ The Monkey Wrench in Louisville Kentucky honoring paying
tribute to the life and work of his friend and hero Dr. Hunter S. Thompson.
The amazing through the roof beyond the beyond event featured numerous some
of the best musicians bands spoken word artists painters speakers on the
planet including Anita Thompson, New York Mets Poet Frank Messina, Tony Broy,
Congressman John Yarmuth, The Everything GONZO ART SHOW and the
unveiling of giant Hunter Mural. Ron has also agreed to co-produce, with all
Iceland's best famous infamous outlaw Viking tattoo runed High Pagan
poets writers artists photographers dancers filmmakers musicians singers
bands publishers psychic djs & more, the 1st ever Storm
Generation Festival in Iceland 4 days/nights inside/outside Reykjavik summer
solstice June 2011 after which he'll climb the historic Viking Mountain, from
which several/many people have been blown off to their deaths, as Ron nearly
was three times when he peaked the venerable mountain and met with The Norse
Gods, one more time searching for and finding a cave filled with wolves where
he'll spend the rest of his days, dwelling with his Wolf Clan Brothers and
Sisters, never to be seen by humans again.
Ron's work has been exhibited round the world from
New York City to Louisville to New Orleans to San Francisco and from India to
Czech Republic to Italy to Portugal to Ireland to The Netherlands to Iceland
and beyond. The UN/UNESCO "Poetry On The Peaks" program selected
The Dalai Lama/Ron Whitehead "Never Give Up" message/poem poster as
its theme for 2002. Thousands of copies were donated and shipped to cities,
mountain villages, Buddhist, and other communities, groups, and organizations
round the world. The "Never Give Up" poem has been published in
numerous publications including NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC, a book by His Holiness
The Dalai Lama, and many others. Ron's "Never Give Up" poem
can also be found on t-shirts, cards, posters, and banners all over the
world. For the
past 20 years Ron has been GOing non-stop. He is the author of 20
books and he has work on more than 30 CDs. His new book, THE STORM
GENERATION MANIFESTO and on parting, the wilderness poems includes cd and his
first dvd as inserts. Ron is doing more and more film work as screenwriter,
editor, and actor. His 20 BOOK titles include: THE STORM GENERATION MANIFESTO & on parting, the
wilderness poems (with cd companion), August 2010 release: a Published in Heaven Book for The Global Literary
Renaissance from Holland Brown Books. PRAYERS for THE MODERN TRAVELER & A Host of
Heavenly Guests = spring 2011 release. 4th person singular: THE ADVENTURES of BRAIN MAN
(work in progress) I REFUSE Ron Whitehead and SOUTHSIDE's SOUTHSIDE LOUNGE Ron Whitehead and SOUTHSIDE's WE ARE THE STORM
double cd THE STORM GENERATION MANIFESTO & on parting, the
wilderness poems: audio book recording, (companion to new book, released
August 2010) Ron reads his work with musicians from around the
world, in all genres of music, including David Amram, Iceland's Sigur Ros
& HOH & MEGAS, Tyrone Cotton, Iceland's Michael & Danny Pollock
of UTANGARDSMENN/The Outsiders, Jim James of My Morning Jacket, Paul K &
The Weathermen, Lee Ranaldo of Sonic Youth, Frank Messina & Octopoet
& Spoken Motion, James Walck & The Mind2Hands Symphonia, Vassar
Clemens, Tom House, By The Grace of God, Black Pig Liberation Front, Casey
Cyr, Rich Martin, Jeremy Podgursky & The Pennies, Blowup in Japanese, RB
Morris & Hector Qirko, Scaramongo, Sarah Elizabeth, SOUTHSIDE, The Honey
Highway & numerous others. Ron's groups have included Voices Without
Restraint, Ron Whitehead's Apocalypse Jam, The Viking Hillbilly Apocalypse
Revue, outlaw music/spoken word band SOUTHSIDE, and ONWARD PILGRIM. He
and Sarah Elizabeth performed and toured together non-stop for
five years. Ron's new book(20th)/cd(30th)/dvd(1st)/& 4 new
videos were released, by Gill Scott Holland's Holland Brown Books, with
evenings of music and spoken word plus receptions signings were held at
Gill Scott Holland's The Green Building on East Market Street in Louisville,
Kentucky and at The Rudyard Kipling. Ron was recently nominated for the Nobel Prize
in Literature by New York City professor, James Joyce scholar, music critic,
and author of many books, Dr. John Rocco (see letter below).
The Nobel Prize Committee, I am writing you about one of America's
greatest poets. His name is Ron Whitehead and for his entire career he has
written volatile and important verse that has given a new presence to
American poetry. Whitehead's work is in the tradition of the Beat Generation
but also deeply influenced by rock and roll, the legacy of the European
avant-garde from Knut Hamsun to James Joyce, and his own native Kentucky. He
is at the same time a regional and universal writer; Kentucky is his home but
the world is his subject. Whitehead's poetry is a powerful summation of the
American spirit.
Thank you for considering this important
American writer. Several thousand of Ron's works have been published
round the world in a diverse range of publications (all mediums) from
TRIQUARTERLY (Northwestern University/Illinois) to ARTFORUM (Czech Republic)
(Louisiana) to TRIBE magazine (NYC) and many more.
Many of Ron's poems have been and are being
translated into many languages. For a time Ron was Velocity's (Kentucy's
Courier-Journal) Advice Columnist. He has written for and been featured in a
multitude of publications around the world. In February 2009 Ron was a
featured poet at the International Poetry Festival in Granada, Nicaragua. 130
poets from 50 countries, all 7 continents, participated. He recently returned
from NYC where he completed film work for Ralph Stevens' independent film,
AMAZING SPACE, plus he did performances with Frank Messina www.spokeface.com ,
The David Amram Trio www.davidamram.com , Tyrone Cotton www.tyronecotton.com ,
and SOUTHSIDE members Scott Mertz, Andy Cook, and Lee Troutman at the
Cornelia Street Cafe and the Chelsea Hotel.
at both ends yes the wax is all gone and the
two flames have become one burning ever brighter alchemical shamanic sin
eater creative spiritual lightninged flame. Ron considers himself to be the
most blessed richest no complaints only thanks person on the planet and hopes
and encourages everyone to find, each in their own way, that same perpetually
ecstatic visioned state of being. If you're interested in Outlaw Poet
Ron Whitehead to perform read speak practice teach hangoutology at
your college university school museum festival club etc, anywhere round the
world, contact Ron Whitehead The Storm Generation The Global Literary Renaissance Published in Heaven DiY Do It Yourself Productions 919 Cherokee Road Louisville, Kentucky 40204 usa cell 502 475 7772 email tmopinsight@yahoo.com website www.tappingmyownphone.com plus facebook & facebook fan club Ron´s official website, www.tappingmyownphone.com,
annually receives approximately one million hits from more than 80
countries. With artist Howard & poet Nancy Bruner Wilson they are
presently signing on board a new webmaster who will soon
completely overhaul expand update and maintain their www.tappingmyownphone.com
site. The brilliant Kurt Maddox is webmaster for Ron's facebook fan club
site. Also check out www.insomniacathon.org. here are
a few Testimonials regarding Ron Whitehead and his work:
I know how deeply effected you were by your
daddy's death. I am glad you delved into this often avoided topic of
the life cycle. When my dad passed away, I stripped down and
painted...for months. I couldn't write. I'm not sure if I can ever get
to that level of profound sadness and creativity again, well maybe I don't
want to either. But that's what you did in your poems. You leaned
right in and wrestled with the beasts...and triumphed. This is perhaps your
best work ever. The DVD is excellently produced. You were so
relaxed. For viewers, it'll be a real treat. This is classic Ron Whitehead, hanging
out with him in a studio reading poems and adding footnotes about the poems.
Keeping the conversations with the studio engineer was a briliant idea.
There's some hilarious moments, brilliant moments. People will love and
cherish this for years and years. One day beyond your time, young people will
be able to put on the DVD and see 'that Kentucky madman outlaw poet' in all
his mighty glory. Beautiful stuff. You said this may be your last work. While I hope
that isn't true, it'll be a perfect conclusion to a profound and magically
prolific life. Congratulations and Big Hugs from your Sicilian
brother in Jersey City." Frank
Messina Olafur
(Iceland): Ron Whitehead's newest book/cd/dvd, THE STORM
GENERATION MANIFESTO and on parting, the wilderness poems, is by
far his finest work...and anyone who contradicts that is a damn
fool...if such a fool exists. The Storm Generation
has truly been born! Blanca
Castellon (Nicaragua):
"Ron Whitehead was the hero of our 2009 Granada Nicaragua International
Poetry Festival."
Rocco (New
York City): Ron Whitehead is the comet crashing outlaw shaman lunatic poet
who keeps us all together! Thanks, Ron! Michael
Dean Odin Pollock (Iceland): Listening to Ron Whitehead's new CD, THE
STORM GENERATION MANIFESTO and on parting, the wilderness poems (Book/CD/DVD) reminds
me of the Magick & Significance of the Oral Tradition that is Ancient
VERY prominent in Icelandic texts & Sufi Joujouka Music and Ron's mam o
man i gotta say that his new DVD really hit me in that deep deep
place...all ego and Self conciousness laid aside it
remimded me that Ron & the forces he
is channneling which incude his army of guardian angels equals
makes Ron one of the Greatest Poets of he 20th Century...i know its the 21st
Century now but i don't run on linear time i got one foot in this
world & one in the next i am out on the bridge & Brother Ron thanx
for reminding me concerning death & loss as i watched my ma & pa
& several close freinds go in the last coupla teared years...i dont have
too much earthly ambition left but my conviction is reafirmed by
watchin this STORM GENERATION DVD that when i die i wanna die ALIVE
(Kentucky): "Can Ron Whitehead be an outlaw poet? Does Charlie Daniels play a
mean fiddle?"
Dean Odin Pollock (Iceland): Ron Whitehead is exactly who he is exactly who so
many dare not to be...we have performed worldwide...we have fallen flat on
our faces and risen above all drivel that be...he is an outlaw yogi kentucky
poet of the highest caliber...a master of crazy wisdom...
Rocco (New
York City): "Ron Whitehead is The Master of The Flying Guillotine.
He is the comet crashing outlaw shaman lunatic poet who keeps us all
together!" Thanks, Ron!
Healey (Indiana): "It's always great to hear Ron
Whitehead read. It's the poetic equivalent of a lava flow. The burn
sears away the dross, leaving pure gold." .Paul
K, The Godfather of Rock (Detroit/NYC/Kentucky): "Ron
Whitehead is America's greatest living poet." A Prayer for the Ascended Master Poet, by Casey Cyr
(Connecticut) Today
I pray for the ascended master poets born
to be born to be born the
ascended master poets to
teach to heal to unify living
in realization of one's purpose that
each one will graciously accept the
abundance clearly present in the universe that
he may not suffer as
suffering remains a lesson of the uninitiated and a
choice by the enlightened that
he may be at peace at the center of the storm as the
true Bodhisattvaa that he is and
receive many unlimited blessings but
not be bound by limitations and impositions for he
stands clearly in a lighted room with
eyes open where
others may or may not choose to open
their eyes for
the light is there, it is always on today
i pray for the ascended master poet that
he may receive the abundance of the universe in all forms because
an ascended master knows what do to with money
power success may he
have any and all things that he needs to
fulfill his purpose may he
reach any and all persons, destinations may
any obstacles vanish like fog lifted by sun may
any fear surrounding this abundance be washed away from his human form stand
before your mirror do not
hold it tightly, do not let it break skin honor
each cell breathe
in love breathe
out ascended master knowledge that
you've been gathering for eternity that
only you can emit seize
your purpose and share your being fully breathe
in abundance in any
and all forms for
they are yours stand
before your mirror and say "aaaah!" and
thank molecules spinning that
got born the
ascended master poet before you the time
has come for all humankind to awaken to the fact that the time of the male
dominant aspect of our being must now be surpassed by the female aspect, the
nurturer healer peacemaker in each of us. there is little time left. it is
essential that Mother Earth's sacred sites that each individual's sacred
sites be healed reclaimed restored, otherwise we will soon experience the end
of time of space as we have known it,we will join the dinosaurs. keep
Louisville & the world & all intergalactic interdimensional space
& being Gonzo!!!!!!!!! and
remember to always ask yourself: What would Hunter do?! ha.
hellyes. y'all have fun!!! the
dance by ron whitehead: we wear these garments...dwell in these
temples...briefly... we are
short lived...temporary...sun worshippers we...are delicate... pale
pink blossoms on...Van Gogh's almond tree...our fine attire... covering
bones...dancing bones...the bones...of life...loving bones... bones
in love...the dance...a waltz fragrant...spring wind carries... us to
the end...of the night "the
(outlaw) poet is one who stands out in the rain, hoping to be struck by
lightning." ivan arguelles...any other questions...go ask Alice...and
remember...what the door mouse/keeper/ferrymanwoman/whoever said...feed yer
freakin head...interesting to reach the end of your life...which is where we
always are...from birth to death...and realize...you've been here before...at
the doorway to...another beginning. "love
is the ultimate outlaw" from Tom Tobbins' STILL LIFE WITH WOODPECKER. John
(New York City): "Ron Whitehead is the comet crashing outlaw shaman
lunatic poet who keeps us all together!" Thanks, Ron! Olafur
(Iceland): "Ron Whitehead's newest book/cd/dvd, THE STORM
GENERATION MANIFESTO and on parting, the wilderness poems, is by
far his finest work...and anyone who contradicts that is a damn
fool...if such a fool exists. The Storm Generation
has truly been born!" Copies of the Ron's new book
(20th)/cd (30th)/dvd (1st), THE STORM GENERATION MANIFESTO and on parting,
the wilderness poems, are available at the author’s shows, and at www.hollandbrownbooks.com P
R E S S I N Q U I R I E S , P L E A S E C O N T A C T : S
t e p h a n i e B r o t h e r s 5 0 2 . 5 6 1 . 1 1 6 2 s
t e p h a n i e @t h e g r e e n b u i l d i n g . c o m 1st ever
International GONZO FESTIVAL celebrating the life & work of Louisville
Kentucky's native son Dr. Hunter Stockton Shaman Thompson saturday
october 16, 2010 noon to 2am @ the 1st ever International
GONZO FESTIVAL @ The Monkey Wrench (new International GONZO
Louisville Kentucky 40204 usaphone 502 583 2473, www.monkeywrench.net was pure through the roof
off the charts uplifting inspiring whirling celebratory ecstasy. Copies of the Ron's new book (20th)/cd
(30th)/dvd (1st), THE STORM GENERATION MANIFESTO and on parting, the
wilderness poems, are available at the author’s shows, and at www.hollandbrownbooks.com P R E S S I N Q U I R I E
S , P L E A S E C O N T A C T : S t e p h a n i e B r o t
h e r s 5 0 2 . 5 6 1 . 1 1 6 2 s t e p h a n i e @t h e g
r e e n b u i l d i n g . c o m if
you're interested in booking Outlaw Poet Ron Whitehead to perform read
speak practice hangoutology at your college university school museum festival
club ashram bordello funeral spend time in your coffin or bed with you or
anything else anywhere round the world contact Ron
Whitehead, cell 502 475 7772 or email ron@tappingmyownphone.com keep
Louisville (& the world & all intergalactic & interdimensional
space) GONZO!!!!!!!!! "love
is the ultimate outlaw" from Tom Tobbins' STILL LIFE WITH WOODPECKER. John
(New York City): "Ron Whitehead is the comet crashing outlaw shaman
lunatic poet who keeps us all together! Thanks, Ron!" Olafur
(Iceland): "Ron Whitehead's newest book/cd/dvd, THE STORM
GENERATION MANIFESTO and on parting, the wilderness poems, is by
far his finest work...and anyone who contradicts that is a damn
fool...if such a fool exists. The Storm Generation
has truly been born!" Copies of the Ron's new book
(20th)/cd (30th)/dvd (1st), THE STORM GENERATION MANIFESTO and on parting,
the wilderness poems, are available at the author’s shows, and at Gill
Scott Holland's The Green Building/Holland Brown Books www.hollandbrownbooks.com if
you're interested in booking Outlaw Poet Ron Whitehead to perform read
speak practice hangoutology at your college university school museum festival
club ashram bordello funeral or anything else anywhere round the
world contact Ron
Whitehead, cell 502 475 7772 or email ron@tappingmyownphone.com keep
Louisville & the world & all intergalactic & interdimensional
space GONZO!!!!!!!!! |
simple way, then, to re-enchant our lives is to divest ourselves somehow of
this 'busy' complex. We might do work that we love, give up the futile task
of proving
ourselves to anyone, keep money within perspective, and do whatever is
necessary to enable us to walk away from our work and activities if our soul requires
it." Thomas More, from THE RE-ENCHANTMENT OF EVERYDAY LIFE surrender
and serve i am
here to serve you my dear sweet friend to serve you to
uplift and inspire to comfort and heal to entertain and awaken to serve you my
dear sweet enemy i pray all our hearts be filled with forgiveness the amazing
grace of forgiveness washes karma away washes karma away away birthing
us out of ignorance we all be guilty of everything we all stand chastised naked
none of us have reached our potential but by waking up from our long sleep
from our delta wave deep dream slumber desert sleepwalkers wanderers we
suddenly instantly realize where we are and begin to serve to forgive to give without
anticipation of reciprocation surrendering to light to love forgiving giving all
and everything and more with open hearted love compassion gratitude we
serve ron
whitehead, AHA, final revision 10/22/10 copyright
(c) 2010 ron whitehead from
my next book PRAYERS FOR THE MODERN TRAVELER (2011 release) "love
is the ultimate outlaw" from Tom Tobbins' STILL LIFE WITH WOODPECKER. "Who
the fuck do you think wrote the Book of Revelation, a bunch of stone sober
clerics?" go
GONZO go go go & keep on rockin fuckin gonzo rollin in the free world |
The Ohio
County Times-News Hartford
and Beaver Dam, Kentucky Serving
All of Ohio County Since 1865 October
14, 2010 Editor,
Don Wilkins front
page review by Bobbie
Hayse Local
author releases book Inspired
by recent trip to Iceland photo of
Bobbie and of Ron (w/dreds sunglasses braided beard/pure blooded hillbilly
alien mutant ddt filled shaman fire breathing outlaw sin eater poet &
damn proud to be)
"This is the one and only Ron Whitehead, real president of the United
States, king of the underground, born and raised where Bluegrass was
birthed." he said to me after I introduced myself.
I was sitting at my desk with a copy of Whitehead's most recent book of
poetry, "The Storm Generation Manifesto: and On Parting, The Wilderness
Poems," and the DVD and CD that accompanied the book, which was
published in June of this year, by Holland Brown Books in Louisville.
"I'm from Ohio County, too," he said after I told him
Hartford was my hometown. "God bless us." He
told me he preached the Ohio County and Kentucky gospel wherever he went, all
around the world, and that his most recent trip to Iceland inspired his
latest book.
There, in May of 2008, he solo hiked The Viking Mountain where he "had a
non-stop series of epiphanies," before making his descent.
Afterward, Whitehead, along with Iceland's leading novelist, Olafur
Gunnarsson - who hosted Whitehead during his stay in Iceland - wrote
"The Storm Generation Manifesto," the title poem for his new book.
"...we are The Storm Generation
we are The Storm
we are a new generation of artists
we are poets writers painters
sculptors composers musicians
singers dancers playwrights filmmakers
we are creative expression..."
I first met Whitehead when he cam to Ohio County High to read poetry while
Sarah Elizabeth Burkey sang and played guitar, shortly after he was inducted
into the Ohio County Hall of Fame. I saw him a few more times at various
readings and signings after that, but it was only after "The Storm
Generation Manifesto" was released that I really had the opportunity to
have a decent conversation with him.
He is a live-wire. Self-proclaimed outlaw poet and proud of it, telling me
all about growing up near Centertown, driving way too fast down one-lane
streets and even his stint at Western Kentucky University, my alma mater.
"I flunked out of college, but then I ended up teaching at universities
for nearly 20 years, so I say it doesn't matter what happens in your life,
you can always start anew if you are determined enough," he said.
Whitehead graduated from Ohio County High School in 1968, attended
Georgetown College, Western Kentucky University, The University of
Louisville, and Oxford University.
"My mom taught me the true meaning of what it means to be a true
Christian," he said. "She taught us to give without expecting to
get anything in return."
"Mama taught us
how to give
without anticipation of
Mama taught us"
Whitehead is the oldest of six children, the father of three children, has
written five books (actually 20 plus 30 cds), and collaborated with many
musical artists and other prominent figures and writers. He's been nominated
for the Pulitzer Prize (twice, & The Nobel Prize in Literature).
In 1994, Whitehead met His Holiness The Dalai Lama, and together
they wrote the poem "Never Give Up," which is also included in his
new book.
He invited me up to Louisville to share some (red) wine and conversation
(hangoutology) with him, and someday, I told him, I would take him up on that
offer, but for now his conversation was enough inspiration.
Being an Ohio County writer myself, it makes me proud to hear
encouragement and goodwill from fellow writers who once romped the same
grounds I still do.
Whitehead is fearless, and his new book speaks every bit of that truth.
His poem, "resurrection," reflects his wise valor that I envy and
so much wish to mimic:
"we are free falling newly
formed drops of rain
ancient grains of dust
dwell seeds waiting yearning
ready to be born resurrection." to order
copies of Ron's new book(20th)/cd(30th)/dvd(1st) go to "One
simple way, then, to re-enchant our lives is to divest ourselves somehow of
this 'busy' complex. We might do work that we love, give up the futile task
of proving
ourselves to anyone, keep money within perspective, and do whatever is
necessary to enable us to walk away from our work and activities if our soul requires
it." Thomas More, from THE RE-ENCHANTMENT OF EVERYDAY LIFE surrender
and serve i am
here to serve you my dear sweet friend to serve you to
uplift and inspire to comfort and heal to entertain and awaken to serve you my
dear sweet enemy i pray all our hearts be filled with forgiveness the
amazing grace of forgiveness washes karma away washes karma away
away birthing
us out of ignorance we all be guilty of everything we all stand chastised naked
none of us have reached our potential but by waking up from our long sleep
from our delta wave deep dream slumber desert sleepwalkers wanderers we
suddenly instantly realize where we are and begin to serve to forgive to give without
anticipation of reciprocation surrendering to light to love forgiving giving all
and everything and more with open hearted love compassion gratitude we
serve ron
whitehead, AHA, final revision 10/22/10 copyright
(c) 2010 ron whitehead from
my next book PRAYERS FOR THE MODERN TRAVELER (2011 release) "love
is the ultimate outlaw" from Tom Tobbins' STILL LIFE WITH WOODPECKER. "Who
the fuck do you think wrote the Book of Revelation, a bunch of stone sober
clerics?" go
GONZO go go go & keep on rockin fuckin gonzo rollin in the free world "One
simple way, then, to re-enchant our lives is to divest ourselves somehow of
this 'busy' complex. We might do work that we love, give up the futile task
of proving
ourselves to anyone, keep money within perspective, and do whatever is
necessary to enable us to walk away from our work and activities if our soul requires
it." Thomas More, from THE RE-ENCHANTMENT OF EVERYDAY LIFE surrender
and serve i am
here to serve you my dear sweet friend to serve you to
uplift and inspire to comfort and heal to entertain and awaken to serve you my
dear sweet enemy i pray all our hearts be filled with forgiveness the
amazing grace of forgiveness washes karma away washes karma away
away birthing
us out of ignorance we all be guilty of everything we all stand chastised naked
none of us have reached our potential but by waking up from our long sleep
from our delta wave deep dream slumber desert sleepwalkers wanderers we
suddenly instantly realize where we are and begin to serve to forgive to give without
anticipation of reciprocation surrendering to light to love forgiving giving all
and everything and more with open hearted love compassion gratitude we
serve ron
whitehead, AHA, final revision 10/22/10 copyright
(c) 2010 ron whitehead from
my next book PRAYERS FOR THE MODERN TRAVELER (2011 release) "love
is the ultimate outlaw" from Tom Tobbins' STILL LIFE WITH WOODPECKER. "Who
the fuck do you think wrote the Book of Revelation, a bunch of stone sober
clerics?" go
GONZO go go go & keep on rockin fuckin gonzo rollin in the free world |
simple way, then, to re-enchant our lives is to divest ourselves somehow of
this 'busy' complex. We might do work that we love, give up the futile task
of proving
ourselves to anyone, keep money within perspective, and do whatever is
necessary to enable us to walk away from our work and activities if our soul requires
it." Thomas More, from THE RE-ENCHANTMENT OF EVERYDAY LIFE surrender
and serve i am
here to serve you my dear sweet friend to serve you to
uplift and inspire to comfort and heal to entertain and awaken to serve you my
dear sweet enemy i pray all our hearts be filled with forgiveness the
amazing grace of forgiveness washes karma away washes karma away
away birthing
us out of ignorance we all be guilty of everything we all stand chastised naked
none of us have reached our potential but by waking up from our long sleep
from our delta wave deep dream slumber desert sleepwalkers wanderers we
suddenly instantly realize where we are and begin to serve to forgive to give without
anticipation of reciprocation surrendering to light to love forgiving giving all
and everything and more with open hearted love compassion gratitude we
serve ron
whitehead, AHA, final revision 10/22/10 copyright
(c) 2010 ron whitehead from
my next book PRAYERS FOR THE MODERN TRAVELER (2011 release) "love
is the ultimate outlaw" from Tom Tobbins' STILL LIFE WITH WOODPECKER. "Who
the fuck do you think wrote the Book of Revelation, a bunch of stone sober
clerics?" go
GONZO go go go & keep on rockin fuckin gonzo rollin in the free world |