Tue, 3 Mar 2009
for taking this sunday - toumei sunday!
most grateful watt

mike and raymond pettybon, march 2009.
great interview w/charley plymell here:
Mon, 9 Mar 2009
dear friends,
simon likes to paddle canoe.
I like to paddle kayak.
will you please consider helping simon on this massive paddle?
anything would be great help. I think he is very brave cat.
grateful for you to consider, mike watt

happy friday the thirteenth!

warf in pedro

mike as photographer march 2009

Tom Watson
- - - - -
tour come soon!
mike watt + the missingmen
"prac'n the 3rd opera" tour 2009
fri, april 17: tucson, az - plush
sat, april 18: albuquerque, nm - launchpad
mon, april 20: dallas, tx - granada theater
tue, april 21: houston, tx - rudyard's
wed, april 22: baton rouge, la - spanish moon
thu, april 23: tallahassee, fl - the moon *
fri, april 24: jacksonville beach, fl - freebird live *
sat, april 25: charleston, sc - the music farm *
sun, april 26: asheville, sc - the orange peel *
mon, april 27: carrboro, nc - cat's cradle *
wed, april 29: charlotte, nc - neighborhood theatre *
thu, april 30: richmond, va - the national *
fri, may 1: lancaster, pa - chameleon club *
sat, may 2: baltimore, md - ottobar *
sun, may 3 to tue, may 5: record watt's third opera
at studio g in brooklyn, ny (no gigs)
wed, may 6: cambridge, ma - t.t. the bear's
thu, may 7: hoboken, nj - maxwell's
fri, may 8: new york, ny - the mercury lounge
sat, may 9: philadelphia, pa - north star bar
sun, may 10: pittsburgh, pa - club cafe
mon, may 11: cleveland heights, oh - grog shop
tue, may 12: detroit, mi - shelter
wed, may 13: grand rapids, mi - billy's lounge
thu, may 14: chicago, il - schubas tavern
fri, may 15: minneapolis, mn - 7th street entry
sat, may 16: omaha, ne - the waiting room
mon, may 18: denver, co - larimer lounge
tue, may 19: salt lake city, ut - bar deluxe
wed, may 20: boise, az - neurolux
thu, may 21: portland, or - doug fir lounge
fri, may 22: seattle, wa - crocodile cafe
sat, may 23: bellingham, wa - the nightlight
sun, may 24: george, wa - sasquatch! music festival
(* opening for dinosaur jr)
web links for venues at http://hootpage.com

Sat, 28 Mar 2009
mike watt and missingmen

tayyo kamome in pedro

Wed, 1 Apr 2009
d. boon's birthday today everybody.
I never could get as high up as him...
but I keep trying, keep pushing!
on bass, watt
last gig before tour!
mike watt + the missingmen
friday, april 10 at 10:30 pm
at di piazza's
5205 e. pacific coast highway
long beach, ca
(562) 498-2461
_ _ _ _ _
I soon get to tour w/scariest guy working
corner of santa monica and crescent heights!
(no photoshop!)
lucky raul, lucky watt!
listed next to each date a link to a
corresponding flyer here: for that gig and if you
want, you can print them up and get them
around where folks where you live might get a
chance to know about me and my missingmen
coming to work the town. I much appeciate it,
thank you big time.
mike watt + the missingmen
"prac'n the 3rd opera" tour 2009
fri, april 17: tucson, az - http://www.plushtucson.com - plush - get
gig flyer here:
sat, april 18: albuquerque, nm - http://www.launchpadrocks.com -
launchpad - get gig flyer here:
mon, april 20: dallas, tx - http://www.granadatheater.com - granada
theater - get gig flyer here:
tue, april 21: houston, tx - http://rudyards.s425.sureserver.com -
rudyard's - get gig flyer here:
wed, april 22: baton rouge, la - http://www.thespanishmoon.com -
spanish moon - get gig flyer here:
thu, april 23: tallahassee, fl - http://www.moonevents.com - the moon *
- get gig flyer here:
fri, april 24: jacksonville beach, fl - http://www.freebirdlive.com -
freebird live * - get gig flyer here:
sat, april 25: charleston, sc - http://www.musicfarm.com/home.html -
the music farm * - get gig flyer here:
sun, april 26: asheville, nc - http://www.theorangepeel.net - the
orange peel * - get gig flyer here:
mon, april 27: carrboro, nc - http://www.catscradle.com - cat's cradle
* - get gig flyer here:
wed, april 29: charlotte, nc - http://www.neighborhoodtheatre.com -
neighborhood theatre * - get gig flyer here:
thu, april 30: richmond, va - http://www.thenationalva.com - the
national * - get gig flyer here:
fri, may 1: lancaster, pa - http://www.chameleonclub.net - chameleon
club * - get gig flyer here:
sat, may 2: baltimore, md - http://www.theottobar.com - ottobar * - get
gig flyer here:
sun, may 3 to tue, may 5: record watt's third opera at studio g
(http://www.studiogbrooklyn.com) in brooklyn, ny (no gigs)
wed, may 6: cambridge, ma - http://www.ttthebears.com - t.t. the bear's
- get gig flyer here:
thu, may 7: hoboken, nj - http://www.maxwellsnj.com - maxwell's - get
gig flyer here:
fri, may 8: new york, ny - http://www.mercuryloungenyc.com - the
mercury lounge - get gig flyer here:
sat, may 9: philadelphia, pa - http://northstarbar.com - north star bar
- get gig flyer here:
sun, may 10: pittsburgh, pa - http://www.clubcafelive.com/HTML/home.php
- club cafe - get gig flyer here:
mon, may 11: cleveland heights, oh - http://www.grogshop.gs - grog shop
- get gig flyer here:
tue, may 12: detroit, mi -
http://www.livenation.com/venue/shelter-tickets - shelter - get gig
flyer here:
wed, may 13: grand rapids, mi - http://www.billyslounge.com - billy's
lounge - get gig flyer here:
thu, may 14: chicago, il - http://www.schubas.com - schubas tavern -
get gig flyer here:
fri, may 15: minneapolis, mn - http://www.first-avenue.com - 7th street
entry - get gig flyer here:
sat, may 16: omaha, ne - http://www.waitingroomlounge.com - the waiting
room - get gig flyer here:
mon, may 18: denver, co - http://www.booklarimer.com/schedule.htm -
larimer lounge - get gig flyer here:
tue, may 19: salt lake city, ut - http://www.bardeluxe666.com - bar
deluxe - get gig flyer here:
wed, may 20: boise, id - http://www.neurolux.com - neurolux - get gig
flyer here:
thu, may 21: portland, or - http://www.dougfirlounge.com - doug fir
lounge - get gig flyer here:
fri, may 22: seattle, wa - http://thecrocodile.com/index.html -
crocodile cafe - get gig flyer here:
sat, may 23: bellingham, wa - http://www.nightlightlounge.com - the
nightlight - get gig flyer here:
sun, may 24: george, wa - http://www.sasquatchfestival.com - sasquatch!
music festival - get gig flyer here:
(* opening for dinosaur jr)
- - - - -
the april 4, 2009 edition of
the watt from pedro show w/guests
angela last (from the band now), peak,
syd straw + bob stires up now at: