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The collection

Michael Bowen

in Italy

Tolstoy once said "Art is bringing people together".

The following review in Italian and English will introduce you to a subterranian California artist who has had a continuous impact on global cultural affairs for the last 50 years. Until recently Michael Bowen's highly valued paintings, drawings and assemblages have been known only to a small elite group of international collectors. On this page are links that will  give you a peek into his vast and growing body of work and take you behind the scenes in the creative firmament of the Beatnik led cultural revolution of the 1950s and 60s.
The  1967 global happening, engineered by Michal Bowen, his Guru, John Starr Cook, and the staff of the San Francisco Oracle, called the " Summer of Love", culminated in the historic 1969 Woodstock Festival and continues to bring people together who desire artistic and spiritual liberty while caring and sharing with one another.

Prato speciale Carmignano Domenica 6 Decembre 1998
Saturday December 19th 1998 in the gallery of Carmignano

In mostra le opere di Michael Bowen un leader della rivoluzione artistica

Sabato 19 Dicembre la saletta adiacente al salone ospiter� i lavori di un artista, vero
leader nella rivoluzione culturale, un artista di grande prestigio
lo statunitense ed attivista, ruolo che gli � stato riconosciuto: Michael Bowen.
Il pittore e' considerato a Carmignano e ha accettato la proposta della Pro Loco
con entusiasmo, come artista che nutre amore per la nostra terra.
E' un personaggio conosciuto per la pittura ad olio,
come acquaforgio di fama internazionale e filosofo spiritualista. Ha esposto le sue
opere in molte mostre d'arte orientale ed occidentale.
E' famoso nei musei statunitensi ed europei. Per Carmignano e' un grande onore poterlo ospitare.

(rinaldo rasa edited some lineas of the italian language newspaper article)

Heres what they are saying about Bowen in Italy

"He is the father of Performance Art.!"

by Stella Spinelli

"Everyday he expresses into the canvas

the activities and experience that were flooding his life."

Saturday the Pro Loco, cultural association of Carmignano will have the

honor to inaugurate the exhihition of paintings by Michael Bowen,

paintings of San Francisco, Mexico, Hawaii, India and Tuscany.

Michael Bowen is a famous artist who is known all over the world; he is a

philosopher, spiritualist, historian. He is an exponent of the greatest

prestige of the |"Beat Culture". His best works have been shown in the most

famous Museums. From the Whitney Museum in New York to the De Young

Museum in San Francisco. He lives now here among us in a characteristic

ancient villa of Carmignano. Here he lives with his young Florentine wife,

Isa, and their son Indra age 2, his 28 year old daughter Maitreya, and

major domo, Mr. Ram . He also maintains his other studio in Hawaii kept

by supporters.

Michael Bowen has led a fascinating and itinerant life: born in Bcverly HiIls,

California, December the 8th 1937, he attended the Chounard Art Institute in

Los Angeles. In this city at 16 years of age he created his first art studio. For one

year he lived and apprenticed with the great artist, Ed Keinholz, collaborating with

him and others in the pre-beat movement that has drawn personages of prestige

such as Andy Warhol.

In 1957 he moved from Los Angeles to San Francisco. Since then, and thanks to

many exhibitions in famous galleries of that city, his works have been acquired

and protected by many European and American collectors. In the early 1960s he

went for the first time to Mexico, which has become the favorite goal of his

painting tours. Back in San Francisco he created the greatest example of

performance art, the "Human Be In", with his collaborator in performance art,

Allen Cohen, with whom he also created a great magazine of science, art, and

metaphysics called, the San Francisco Oracle, that expressed to the public the

concept of the "Beat Art". He has inspired the cultural revolution in the U.S.A.

where he played the role of activist leader. The years between 1966 and 1998 see

the "Hi8" style of Bowen. Everyday he expresses into the canvas the activities

and experience that were flooding his life. Since that time he has become one

of the principal catalysts in artistic circles of the International avant garde. He has

sojourned in India and in England where he has known John and Yoko Lennon.

He has lived in Japan and in Cambodia where he has united the visual symbolisrn

of east and west. His paintings are rich in sophisticated mysticism, the fruit of his

complete experiences and prolific paintings in different lands.

Stella Spinelli
translation, I.Paoli

for the flame super deluxe version

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rinaldo rasa 2017