In the 1960s you, me, we 'Boomers' were a big problem
and into our second set of 60s "we" are still a big problem
Social Security wasn't designed for 'us', we don't assimilate well
Neo-cons don't bother asking us what we think, and rightly so,
we might dose them with Truth Sera-25, rise up over their heads
and thunderously lower the boom just to see what happens
No more consuming the many things we “can't live without”
reduce our carbon prints and quit driving ourselves insane
banking the future on high level investments in nothing
We invented "sustainability" and "green living" in the age of Formica,
discovered that the "nuclear family" was a complete waste of time,
and began recycling ideas that our Great Society didn't care about
Ideas concerning our environment, our rain forests, sky and seas
whole earth nourishment at the maximum daily requirement,
Dymaxion thinking and co-emergent spiritual wisdom
We are the last generation to be heart warmed by tabletop radios,
the last to be fascinated by Dr. Farnsworth's cathode ray tube,
and the last generation our government wants alienate (again)
We can start enormous social fires without striking a match
without buying into the neocon prattle of saber rattling goons
bent on fear mongering, invisible power, and idiotic isolationism
Get your heads out of The Cloud ~!~
Take over the helm of our terra firma in chaos,
the mother ship is sinking beyond the horizon
and there are but few life preservers at hand
Conserve backyard plankton and dig up the rutabagas
wells are running dry and water shortages are on the rise
no wonder the Bush Family Robinson owns an aqua fir in S.A
Hitch a ride on the first divine boxcar to the end of the line,
pull up your knickers and begin hiring dowsers by the dozen ~
this strange trip just got longer in the tooth
Don't regret the future ~!~ it's already tomorrow in Guam.
© Hammond Guthrie 2012